
VIAF: viaf_152361066
Crucifixion and missal borders
Parchment · 1 folio + 4 strips · 1520 CE · 467 x 276 mm


Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, Comites Latentes (Depositum des Historischen Museums Basel), CL 109

Florence (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 05/16/2024
Missal borders
Parchment · 2 strips · 1520 CE · 458 x 40 mm


Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, Comites Latentes (Depositum des Historischen Museums Basel), CL 262

Florence (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 05/16/2024
Missal border
Parchment · 1 strip · 1475 – 1499 CE · 220 x 40 mm


Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, Comites Latentes (Depositum des Historischen Museums Basel), CL 263

Florence (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 05/16/2024
Gregorius Magnus, Moralium libri sive expositio in librum Beati Iob (?)
Parchment · 1 strip · 1101 – 1200 CE · 48 x 24 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Fondo parrocchie Soppresse della Città, 14/3.1, strip

Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 04/21/2021
Commentarius in Vergilii Aeneidos libros
Parchment · 1 partial bifolium · 1401 – 1500 CE · 333 x 443 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Fondo Parrocchie Soppresse della Città, 24/2.8, Wrapper of the register with the same shelfmark

Italy (Origin) | Italy Found in: Place attached to document Italy (Origin) | Italy (Provenance) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/08/2020
Commentarius in Vergilii Bucolicon librum
Parchment · 1 partial bifolium · 1351 – 1450 CE · 306 x 62 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Fondo parrocchie Soppresse della Città, 24/2.8, Wrapper of the register with the same shelfmark

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/08/2020
Parchment · 2 partial bifolium · 1101 – 1200 CE · 476 x 330 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Fondo Parrocchie Soppresse della Città, 43/24.2, cover

Italy (Not Specified) | Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document Italy (Origin) | Italy (Provenance) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/04/2019
Hieronymus Stridonensis (?), Epistola IX. Ad Paulam et Eustochium
Parchment · 1 partial bifolium · 1101 – 1200 CE · 555 x 358 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Fondo Parrocchie Soppresse della Città, 46/2.1, cover

Italy (Not Specified) | Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document Italy (Origin) | Italy (Provenance) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 04/21/2021
Anonymus, Tractatus de virtutibus (?)
Parchment · 1 partial bifolium · 1351 – 1450 CE · 323 x 425 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Fondo parrocchie Soppresse della Città, 6/1.4, cover

Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 04/21/2021
Innocentius III, De contemptu mundi sive de miseria conditionis humanae libri tres
Parchment · 1 partial bifolium · 1351 – 1450 CE · 334 x 103 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Fondo parrocchie Soppresse della Città, 6/1.4, cover

Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 04/21/2021
Liturgical text
Parchment · Two strips · 1000 – 1050 CE · 214/254 x 25/32 mm (reference ULBT, Frg. 18_2)


Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol, Frg. 18

Italy (Origin) | Vahrn-Neustift (Provenance) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 11/27/2018
Philosophical text (Sophisma?)
Parchment · 2 spine strips · 1401 – 1500 CE · 32 x 81 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 11 Aa 10

Italy (Origin) | Paris (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/13/2020
Accursius, Apparatus ad Authenticum
Parchment · half binding; in situ · 1301 – 1400 CE · 152 x 70 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 19 Aa 20

Italy (Origin) | Milan (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 04/27/2021
Sanctus Bonaventura, Commentaria in quattuor libros Sententiarum Magistri Petri Lombardi
Parchment · 3 spine strips · 1301 – 1400 CE · 62 x 53


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 26 Aa 33

Italy (Not Specified) | Milan (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/13/2021
Unidentified religious text (?)
Parchment · 1 bifolium (part) · 1301 – 1400 CE · 199 x 271 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 27 Aa 19

Italy (Origin) | Venice (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 12/21/2021
Unidentified glosses (?)
Parchment · 1 leaf (part) · 1301 – 1400 CE · 210 x 77 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 27 Aa 19

Italy (Origin) | Venice (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 12/21/2021
Augustinus (pseudo) Belgicus, Sermones ad fratres in eremo commorantes
Parchment · 1 spine strips · 1401 – 1500 CE · 144 x 41 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 27 Ba 14

Italy (Not Specified) | Venice (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 06/11/2023
Commentary on Isaia
Parchment · 1 pastedown (part) · 1001 – 1100 CE


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 27 Ba 5

Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 12/21/2021
Bernardus Claraevallensis, Sermones in Cantica canticorum
Parchment · 4 spine strips · 1301 – 1400 CE · 90 x 55 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 38 Ha 2

Italy (Not Specified) | Venice (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/04/2021
Parchment · 2 leaves · 1201 – 1300 CE · 370 x 247 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 39 Ha 3

Italy (Origin) | Venice (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 03/08/2021
Antiphonarium (virtual reconstruction)
Parchment · 6 leaves (part) reused as cover · 1201 – 1300 CE · 370 x 247 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 39 Ha 3, MdS 39 Ha 4, MdS 39 Ha 5

Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 03/08/2021
Parchment · 2 leaves · 1201 – 1300 CE · 370 x 247 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 39 Ha 4

Italy (Origin) | Venice (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 03/08/2021
Parchment · 2 leaves · 1201 – 1300 CE · 370 x 247 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 39 Ha 5

Italy (Origin) | Venice (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 03/08/2021
Authenticum; Accursius, Apparatus ad Authenticum
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1301 – 1400 CE · 247 x 398


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 4 Ea 11

Cremona (Origin) | Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 04/27/2021
Breviary or Office Evangelistary
Parchment · 1 leaf (part) · 1301 – 1400 CE · 165 x 252 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 42 Aa 18

Italy (Origin) | Torino (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 12/01/2021
Parchment · 1 leaf (part) · 1301 – 1350 CE · 165 x 262 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 42 Da 22

Italy (Not Specified) | Lugano (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 12/01/2021
Authenticum; Accursius, Apparatus ad Authenticum
Parchment · 1 leaf (part) · 1301 – 1400 CE · 417 x 258


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 43 Ga 3

Italy (Not Specified) | Tortona (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 06/23/2021
Homiliarium (?)
Parchment · 1 bifolium · 951 – 1050 CE · 353 x 468 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 45 Da 4

Brescia (Origin) | Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/04/2021
Bernardus Claraevallensis, Sermones super Cantica Canticorum
Parchment · 4 spine strips · 1401 – 1450 CE · 37 x 92 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 52 Ba 13

Italy (Origin) | Paris (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/18/2022
Digesta seu Pandectae Iustiniani Augusti
Parchment · 4 spine strips · 1301 – 1400 CE · 72 x 74 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 57 Aa 10

Italy (Not Specified) | Lyon (France) (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/25/2022
Digesta seu Pandectae Iustiniani Augusti cum glossa
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1301 – 1400 CE · 427 x 266 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 58 Ba 6

Haguenau (Origin) | Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 12/18/2023
Iustinianus, Insitutiones cum glossa; Novellae Consitutiones cum glossa
Parchment · 1 bifolium and 1 leaf · 1301 – 1400 CE · 297 x 384 mm


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 58 Ca 14

Italy (Not Specified) | Lyon (France) (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 02/29/2024
Unidentified text with gloss
Parchment · 1 leaf (part) · 1301 – 1400 CE · 119 x 98


Orselina-Locarno, Biblioteca Madonna del Sasso, MdS 63 Aa 6

Basel (Origin) | Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/14/2021
Henricus de Segusia, Lectura in Decretales Gregorii IX
Parchment · 1 bifolium (almost the entire left part of the bifolium has been cut off) · 1275 – 1300 CE · 190 x 285


Toruń, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Ob.6.II.519

Italy (Not Specified) | Wittenberg (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 01/04/2021
Avicenna, Liber canonis quartus
Parchment · wrapper, in-situ · 1200 – 1300 CE · 375 x 195


Toruń, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Pol.6.II.724-732

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/14/2020
Decretum magistri Gratiani
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1400 – 1450 CE · 380 x 270


Toruń, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Rps 6031/V

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/01/2020
Decretales Gregorii IX
Parchment · 1 leaf (in two pieces) · 1300 – 1350 CE · 345 x 240


Toruń, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Rps 6032/V

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/31/2020
Parchment · 1 leaf · 492 x 368 mm


Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/02/2021
Aurelius Augustinus In Evangelium Ioannis tractatus
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1100 – 1150 CE · 440 x 308 mm


Adelaide, State Library of South Australia, b3270589

Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 02/26/2024
St. Luke
Parchment · 1 cutting · 1085 – 1115 CE · 170-175 x 47-57 mm


Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, Comites Latentes (Depositum des Historischen Museums Basel), CL 141

Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/23/2022
Breviary and Charter
Parchment · 1 leaf (part) · 1301 – 1400 CE; 1402 CE · 274 x 238 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Archivio Capitolare della Cattedrale Metropolitana di San Pietro, cart. 245, fasc. 1

Bologna (Origin) | Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/26/2023
Parchment · 1 bifolium · 1401 – 1500 CE · 389 x 534 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Raccolta Breventani, scansia H1, cart. I, 13

Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 03/26/2020
Last will
Parchment · 1 partial bifolium · 1522 CE · 269 x 413 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Fondo parrocchie Soppresse della Città, 38/1.1, cover

Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 04/21/2021
Corpus Iuris Civilis cum glossa Accursii
Parchment · 2 leaves (part) · 1301 – 1400 CE; 1499 CE · 396 x 520 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Mensa Arcivescovile, Campioni della Mensa, 20, n°3-n°4

Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 02/03/2023
Corpus Iuris Civilis cum Glossa Accursii
Parchment · 1 bifolium · 1301 – 1400 CE · 440 x 592 mm


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Raccolta Breventani, H1, Cart. I, 62

Italy (Origin) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/20/2023
Publius Vergilius Maro, Aeneis
Parchment · 4 leaves · 1401 – 1500 CE · 130 x 360


Bologna, Archivio Generale Arcivescovile, Raccolta Breventani, scansia H1, cart. I, 36

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 03/19/2020
De i miracoli et maravigliosi effetti dalla natura prodotti.
Parchment · 3 parts · 15 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, *IC5 P8304 Ei560d

Italy (Not Specified) | Venice (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/24/2018
Yefeh marʾeh
Parchment · 2 leaves · 1590 CE · 230 mm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, Heb 3244.450.3F * B

Italy (Not Specified) | Venice (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/24/2018
Divina commedia
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1401 – 1500 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Ital 55

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 06/11/2024
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1151 – 1200 CE · 330 x 230mm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Lat 130

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 06/11/2024
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1151 – 1200 CE · 190 x 290 mm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Lat 157

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/14/2023
St. Bonaventure, Commentaria in quatuor libros Sententiarum
Parchment · 4 strips · 1251 – 1400 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Lat 168, first and last quire

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 12/15/2023
Notarial act
Parchment · 1 pastedown · 1301 – 1400 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Lat 181, rear pastedown

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 06/07/2024
Sumula sumularum magistri Johanne Wyclif
Parchment · 8 leaves · 1400 – 1425 CE; 1291 CE · 30 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Lat 338

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Antiphonary, Dominican use
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1335 – 1340 CE · 54 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 1002

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1310 – 1315 CE · 56 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 1003

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual, Dominican use
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1335 – 1340 CE · 54 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 1004

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 1 fragment · 1370 – 1380 CE · 8 x 9 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 1007

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/29/2018
Parchment · 1 cutting · 1400 – 1500 CE · 16 x 14 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 1009

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 09/28/2018
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1450 – 1500 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 1010

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 06/11/2024
Parchment · 1 bifolium · 1409 – 1415 CE · 26 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 122

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
De ludo schacorum
Parchment · 18 leaves · 1300 – 1400 CE · 21 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 154

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Parchment · 2 leaves, bound · 1250 – 1350 CE · 420 mm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 211

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/07/2018
Parchment · 3 leaves · 1125 – 1175 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 291

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 06/11/2024
Parchment · 20 leaves · 1301 – 1400 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 299

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 12/15/2023
Parchment · 10 leaves · 1441 – 1448 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 301

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/14/2023
Parchment · 8 leaves · 1100 – 1200 CE · 330 mm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 441

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1151 – 1200 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 700

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 09/06/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1051 – 1100 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 701

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/14/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1101 – 1200 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704 (11)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 09/06/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1101 – 1150 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704 (14)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/14/2023
Parchment · 1 bifolium · 1101 – 1200 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704 (15)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 09/06/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1101 – 1200 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704 (16)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 06/11/2024
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1101 – 1200 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704 (18)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/14/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1101 – 1150 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704 (2)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 09/06/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1405 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704.1 (16)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 09/06/2023
Gregorius Magnus, Homiliarum in Ezechielem libri duo
Parchment · 1 leaf · 901 – 1000 CE · 370 x 140 mm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704.1 (19)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1101 – 1200 CE · 310 x 210 mm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704.1 (2)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1401 – 1500 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704.1 (4)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/14/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1401 – 1500 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704.1 (6)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/14/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1401 – 1500 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704.1 (7)

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 09/06/2023
Lectionary of the Gospels
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1101 – 1200 CE · 340 x 235 mm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 953, f. 91

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 02/18/2018
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1201 – 1300 CE · 310 x 240 mm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 959

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 02/19/2018
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1201 – 1300 CE


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 959

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/14/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1101 – 1200 CE · 34 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 964

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 02/19/2018
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1101 – 1200 CE · 35 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 967

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 02/19/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 2 fragments · 1450 – 1475 CE · 14 x 15 cm. or smaller


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 981

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 2 fragments · 1450 – 1475 CE · 13 x 15 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 982

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 3 fragments · 1450 – 1475 CE · 12 x 12 cm or smaller


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 983

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 3 fragments · 1450 – 1475 CE · 15 x 15 cm or smaller


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 984

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 1 fragment · 1450 – 1500 CE · 15 x 13 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 985

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 1 fragment · 1450 – 1475 CE · 11 x 11 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 986

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 1 fragment · 1450 – 1500 CE · 14 x 16 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 987

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Parchment · 1 fragment · 1450 – 1500 CE · 15 x 16 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 988

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 1 fragment · 1450 – 1500 CE · 13 x 14 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 989

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 3 fragments · 1450 – 1500 CE · 13 x 14 cm or smaller


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 990

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 1 fragment · 1450 – 1500 CE · 20 x 13 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 991

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 1 fragment · 1450 – 1500 CE · 17 x 13 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 992

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Gradual or antiphonary
Parchment · 2 fragments · 1450 – 1500 CE · 12 x 9 cm


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 993

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018
Miniatures and initial letters
Parchment · 4 fragments · 1450 – 1550 CE · 4 x 4 cm or smaller


Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 994

Italy (Not Specified) Found in: Place attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 10/02/2018