Gregorius Magnus, Homiliarum in Ezechielem libri duo – Fragment
Parchment · 1 leaf · 901 – 1000 CE · 370 x 140 mmF-wknx
Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704.1 (19)
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Gregorius I, Papa
Phillipps, Thomas, 1792-1872
(Previous Owner)
A fragment of one leaf containing the end of Book 2 homily 5 and beginning of 6 (Patrologia Latina 76.997C-998B).
Written in a carolingian minuscule hand in dark brown ink, with rubrics in green uncial letters.
The original ms. had 2 columns ca. 9 cm. wide each. This fragment, 1 column wide, was recovered from a binding. The recto has only a few words not rubbed off.
Homilies 5 and 6 are here numbered 17 and 18 (on verso: "Expt omelia xvii Incip eiusdem xviii").
On the verso is a large initial letter "P" with strapwork ornament and a snake within, in green, orange and yellow.
Probably Italian.