
Fragmentarium Video Conferences: Leaves and Links

On Friday 5 July, 2024, Anna de Bakker, Postdoctoral Researcher at DACT Project, Dalhousie University, will present "Leaves and Links: Enhancing Fragmentarium’s collection of musically-notated liturgical chant fragments." Registration is via Zoom.

Fragmentarium Video Conference: Conserving, Restoring, and Documenting Fragments: the Case of the French National Archives

Friday, 7 June 2024 saw the Fragmentarium Video Conference: “Conserving, Restoring, and Documenting Fragments: the Case of the French National Archives”, featuring Lucie Moruzzis and Isabelle Scappazzoni, book and paper conservators, Archives nationales, France, discussing how to handle the conservations and restoration of fragments, as well as the unique collections of the Archives Nationales.

Fragmentarium Video Conference: St. Gall Showcase

On Friday, 31 May 2024 was held the Fragmentarium Video Conference: “Showcase of Newly-Published Fragments from St. Gall”, featuring Chiara De Angelis (Università degli studi di Cassino), Philipp Lenz (Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen), Brigitte Roux (Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen), who will be presenting the recent publication of many of the famed fragments from the Ildefons von Arx fragment volumes of the Abbey Library of St. Gall.

Fragmentarium Video Conference: Constantin I. Karadja (1889-1950), the Righteous Bibliophile and his Mediaeval Manuscript Fragments

On Friday April 12, 2024, Prof. Adinel Dincă, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, gave the talk: “Constantin I. Karadja (1889-1950), the Righteous Bibliophile and his Mediaeval Manuscript Fragments”.


"The Wonder of Working with Fragments" at LIPS 2024

The London International Palaeography 2024 Summer School has announced their program, including "The Wonder of Working with Fragments" taught by Dr. David Rundle on 7 June 2024, at the spectacular Senate House, University of London. Register for the course and wonder no more!

Short Courses LIPS is also running a range of short courses throughout 2024, including an online course "Introduction to Medieval Spanish Palaeography (800-1500)", which links to the in-person LIPS course: "Books in Late Medieval Spain: A Palaeographical Introduction".


N-Psalter Fragments Surface in Alkmaar

From the University of Leiden, Dr. Thijs Porck has published newly discovered fragments of the Anglo-Saxon glossed Psalter known as the N-Psalter. These fragments, which can be viewed on Fragmentarium [ F-7006], join the ones from Elbląg [F-x8t7] as the latest discoveries from this book. Porck has published a study of the Alkmaar fragments in Open Access in Anglo-Saxon England: See also the University of Leiden's press release.

Fragmentology #6 Published

Fragmentology #6 (2023) is now live!

Kalamazoo CFP: The Big Picture

The ERC-Project 'Books of the Medieval Parish Church' is sponsoring a session at the International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, 2024, with the title "Fragments and the Big Picture: Using Manuscript Fragmetns as Historical Sources". The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 September. For more information, see the BOMPAC project website.

5000th Document Published

Today, 16 August 2023, Fragmentarium hit a milestone, publishing its 5000th document. Thanks to all of our partners and collaborators for making possible our continued success!

Samuel Pepys's Fragments Online

The Pepys Library, Magdalene College Cambridge, has published the "Calligraphicall Collection" compiled by Samuel Pepys in 1700, with comments by Humfrey Wanley. This collection provides unique insight on fragments and the interest in script and print by a celebrated figure at the end of the seventeenth century.

Article on Fragmenta Ticinensia and Fragmentology

Marina Bernasconi Reusser, Renzo Iacobucci, and Laura Luraschi, the motive forces behind the Fragmentarium partner project Ticinensia disiecta, have published a discussion of their project, its results, and the importance of the study of medieval fragments in the latest issue of Fogli

Fragmentarium Video Conference: Deathless Fragments

Eric Johnson, Professor and Curator of Thompson Special Collections, The Ohio State University, presented a video conference: "Deathless Fragments: A Virtual Tour of the Current Exhibit at the Thompson Library" on 9 June 2023.

Ohio is awash in the remains of medieval books. Between the 1930s and early 2000s, hundreds of medieval manuscripts were broken and dispersed, principally by two key figures: Otto Ege (1888-1951) and Bruce Ferrini (1949-2010). Although they never knew each other, together these two figures cut apart and scattered the remains of countless valuable and exceptional medieval books, obscuring their contents and complex histories, seemingly forever. Many of those pieces now reside at Ohio State, presenting students, teachers, researchers, and the public with limitless opportunities for exploration, learning, and discovery. Deathless Fragments considers Ohio’s complex medieval manuscript legacy by exploring both its history as a site of manuscript destruction and its future as a center for the reconstruction and recovery of lost medieval books.

The recording of the conference is now available.


New Romanian Publications on Fragmentology and Manuscript Culture

Professor Adrian Papahagi announces:

It is my pleasure to announce that the catalogue of an exhibition of medieval manuscript fragments from Cluj, Romania (2022) can  now be  downloaded  freely here:

Also, a book discussing numerous manuscripts, manuscript fragments, and incunabula connected to the medieval dioceses of Cenad, Oradea, and Transylvania may be of interest to some of you. It can be ordered from the publisher:

The book inaugurates a series edited by the Centre for the History of the Book (CODEX) at the University of Cluj. The second volume in the series, focusing on the book culture of the Transylvanian Saxons, can also be ordered from the publisher:

Fragmentarium Video Conference: Round Table on Cataloguing Loose Fragments

Monday, 3 April 2023, at 1700 Central European Standard Time, Fragmentarium Video Conferences hosted a Round Table on Cataloguing Loose Fragments, featuring:

  • Godfried Croenen, Flemish Heritage Libraries / Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken
  • Anne Fellinger, Archives d’Alsace
  • Marie Turner, Cambridge University Library

The recording of the Round Table is now available.


Fragmentarium Video Conference: Round Table on Cataloguing in-situ Fragments

Friday, 10 March 2023, at 1700 Central European Standard Time, Fragmentarium Video Conferences hosted a Round Table on Cataloguing in-situ Fragments, featuring:

  • Marina Bernasconi Reusser, Centro di competenza per il libro antico, Lugano, director of the project “Ticinensia disiecta”
  • Adinel Dincă, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj, director of the project “Literacy and Literary Culture in Mediasch/Mediaş (Transylvania) in the 14th-16th Centuries. Conservation, virtual reconstruction, and scholarly analysis of a Transylvanian parish church and gymnasium library”
  • Alessandra Molinari, Università di Urbino, director of the project “Textus Invisibilis”

The recording of the Round Table is now available.



Fragmentology #5 Published

Fragmentology 5 (2022) has been released! Concurrent with issue #5, Fragmentology has moved to the Shared Open Access Publishing Platform (SOAP2) to improve its sustainability.