Gradual – Fragment
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1405 CE · ItalyF-4h08
Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 704.1 (16)
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A single leaf containing the introit and beginning of the gradual for the first Sunday of Advent. Written in a gothic rotunda hand in black ink with red rubrics, the chant in black on a red 4-line staff. Initial letters are in red and blue with pen-work decoration. On the recto is a historiated initial "A" (beginning the antiphon "Ad te levavi animam meam") in gold paint and colors, showing David praying, with Christ above, being viewed from the side by a bishop and choir of friars. The initial continues into a foliate page-border. Title from superscription on recto. This continues: "Fecit fieri venerabilis do. Basianus de glisate prepositus ecclesie maioris sci basiani in laude ... quod scripsit et notavit frat. georgius de vicom[er]cato ordinis minorum. Inceptum die pm. a decemb. m.ccccv." That is, the ms. was written for Bishop Bassianus of Glisate and the church of St. Bassianus in Lodi, by George of Vicomercato, O. F. M., and begun on 1 Dec. 1405.