Homiliary – Fragment
Parchment · 3 leaves · 1125 – 1175 CE · ItalyF-hxrw
Cambridge, MA, Harvard University, Houghton Library, MS Typ 291
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Augustinus, Aurelius
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735
Leo I, Papa
Written in central Italy. The Latin text is in a reformed 12th-century minuscule in black ink in 2 columns of 50 lines each.
Bound in brown cloth.
Contains: 1. Augustine (?), Sermo CLV (imperfect at the beginning; PL 39. 2043; ff. 1r-2r) -- 2. Leo, Sermo XLV de passio Domini rubricated for Wednesday of Holy Week (imperfect at the end; PL 54. 361; f.2r-v) -- 3. Bede, Homilia XXI in Quadragesima (imperfect at beginning and end; f. 3).