Priscian, Institutiones grammaticae
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1051 – 1100 CE · 173 x 118 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.6, no.7

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 2 leaves · 147 x 98 mm, 147 x 101 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.8, no.12

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 801 – 850 CE · 194 x 129 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.5, no.4

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 876 – 925 CE; 1176 – 1500 CE · 88 x 148 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.4, no.3

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/01/2023
Gospel of Luke
Parchment · 1 leaf · 751 – 800 CE · 312 x 220 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.4, no.2

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Service book with Antiphon for the burial service
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1401 – 1500 CE · 146 x 92 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.12, no.20

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/01/2023
Prologue to the Gospel of Luke
Parchment · 1 leaf · 676 – 825 CE · 31 x 201 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.9, no.19

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/01/2023
Gospel of Matthew
Parchment · 1 leaf · 701 – 800 CE · 39 x 203 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.9, no.18

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Mathematical treatise on cubes and circles
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1201 – 1300 CE · 192 x 146 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.9, no.17

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Litany of Saints
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1476 – 1500 CE · 126 x 80 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.8, no.14

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Parchment · 1 leaf · 1451 – 1500 CE · 123 x 85 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.8, no.13

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Missal (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 62 x 172 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.13, no.30

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Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea (Printed Fragment)
Parchment · 1 leaf · 66 x 138 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.12, no.29

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Peccati sunt licet forte multe non .u. poterat
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1301 – 1400 CE · 68 x 144 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.12, no.28

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Vulgate (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 125 x 74 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.12, no.27

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Vulgate (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 115 x 145 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.12, no.26

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Breviary or Book of Hours
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1401 – 1500 CE · 127 x 76 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.12, no.25

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Book of Revelation
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1301 – 1400 CE · 95 x 136 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.12, no.24

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Service book with music
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1301 – 1400 CE · 82 x 142 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.12, no.23

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Book of Hours (Printed Fragment)
Parchment · 1 leaf · 106 x 58 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.12, no.21

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Book of Judith
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1201 – 1300 CE · 44 x 70 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.13, no.40

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Super tertio libro Canonis Avicennae (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 1477 CE · 83 x 112 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.13, no.37

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1201 – 1300 CE · 61 x 89 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.13, no.36

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Book of Hours
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1401 – 1500 CE · 78 x 89 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.13, no.35

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Thomas Catejan, Commentary on the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 1522 – 1554 CE · 61 x 88 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.13, no.34

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Homiliarius doctorum (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 1477 – 1479 CE · 105 x 68 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.13, no.33

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[E]t factū est
Paper · 1 leaf · 78 x 112 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.13, no.32

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Idelium deus omnium conditor (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 39 x 136 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.13, no.42

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1276 – 1300 CE · 178 x 113 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.15, no.54

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1276 – 1325 CE · 173 x 141 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.15, no.53

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Parchment · 1 leaf · 1001 – 1100 CE · 69 x 138 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.15, no.52

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Three Responsaries
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1176 – 1225 CE · 123 x 159 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.15, no.51

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Parchment · 1 leaf · 1101 – 1200 CE · 123 x 88 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.15, no.50

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Antiphoner (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 66 x 188 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.14, no.49

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Augustinus, In Evangelium Johannis (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 58 x 71 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.14, no.47

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Office book with music
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1476 – 1525 CE · 161 x 196 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.14, no.46

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Augustinus (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 86 x 73 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.14, no.45

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Augustinus, In Evangelium Johannis (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 86 x 72 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.14, no.44

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Antiphoner (Printed Fragment)
Paper · 1 leaf · 83 x 163 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.14, no.43

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Scholia on Sedulius, Carmina
Parchment · 1 leaf · 875 – 900 CE · 178 x 109 mm


Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys Library, PL 2981, p.6, no.6

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Parchment · 1 leaf (trimmed) · 1451 – 1500 CE · 111 x 134 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, IIB3h.1b/1

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1250 – 1325 CE · 243 x 195 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, IIB3h.1b/2

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Canon law commentary
Parchment · 1 leaf (folded) · 1301 – 1350 CE · 242 x 194 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, IIB3h.1b/3

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Admonitio synodalis
Parchment · 1 leaf (trimmed) · 1201 – 1300 CE · 38 x 97 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/139

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Augustinus Aurelius, Sermones
Parchment · 1 reconstituted leaf consisting of 4 fragments · 1301 – 1400 CE · 140 x 98 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/140a

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 1 reconstituted incomplete leaf consisting of 2 fragments joined together with adhesive tape · 1301 – 1400 CE · 80 x 115 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/140b

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Pseudo-Augustinus Aurelius, De spiritu et anima
Parchment · 1 leaf (trimmed) · 1251 – 1300 CE · 166 x 129 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/141

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Guido de Baysio, Apparatus libri sexti Decretalium
Parchment · 1 leaf (trimmed) · 1250 – 1300 CE · 218 x 152 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/143

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Guido de Baysio, Apparatus libri sexti Decretalium
Parchment · 1 leaf (trimmed) · 1250 – 1300 CE · 141 x 214 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/144

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf (trimmed) · 1401 – 1450 CE · 104 x 56 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/145

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Monastic constitution
Parchment · 1 leaf (trimmed) · 1401 – 1450 CE · 139 x 196 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/146

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Monastic constitution
Parchment · 1 leaf (trimmed) · 1401 – 1450 CE · 137 x 193 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/147

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Thomas de Aquino, De officio sacerdotis
Parchment · 1 bifolium · 1301 – 1400 CE · 157 x 111 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/148

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Justinianus, Novellae Constitutiones
Parchment · 1 bifolium (trimmed) · 1101 – 1200 CE · 163 x 222 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/149

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Justinianus, Novellae Constitutiones
Parchment · 1 leaf (trimmed) · 1101 – 1200 CE · 166 x 216 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/150

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Thomas de Aquino, In Aristotelis libros Peri hermeneias
Paper · 1 strip · 1401 – 1500 CE · 102 x 75 mm


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/154

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 08/01/2023
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1150 – 1199 CE · 155 x 200 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 2 10

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/27/2023
Postilla in Evangelia
Paper · 1 leaf · 1430 – 1440 CE · 288 x 197 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 2 16

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Antiphonarium Missae
Parchment · 1 partial bifolium · 1100 – 1109 CE · 250 x 417 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 2 42

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Parchment · 1 partial bifolium · 1100 – 1199 CE · 89 x 240 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 2 43

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Parchment · 1 partial leaf · 1145 – 1155 CE · 157 x 204 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 2 44

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Biblia latina
Parchment · 1 partial leaf · 1000 – 1099 CE · 202 x 321 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 2 8

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Missale Plenum
Parchment · 1 leaf · 1090 – 1099 CE · 278 x 220 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 2 9

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Missale plenum
Parchment · 8 strips · 1145 – 1155 CE · ca. 281-287 x 62-69 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 A 14

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Parchment · 2 strips from the same bifolium · 975 – 1025 CE · 288 x 120 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 A 19

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/27/2023
Parchment · 2 strips from the same leaf · 800 – 849 CE · 85 x 265 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 A 4

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/27/2023
Parchment · 2 pieces of 2 leaves · 950 – 999 CE · 83 x 152, 200 x 148 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 A 5

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/27/2023
Parchment · 3 strips, 2 pieces · 1045 – 1055 CE · 290 x 80 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 A 6

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/27/2023
Parchment · 2 strips · 1000 – 1049 CE · 425 x 59, 48 x 294 mm


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 A 7

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Gospel of Mark (glossed)
Parchment · 2 strips from the same leaf · 1190 – 1199 CE · 281 x 92 mm (strip 1), 280 x 103 mm (strip 2)


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 A 8

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Legenda Aurea
Parchment · 2 strips from the same leaf · 1301 – 1350 CE · 316 x 138 mm (strip 1), 314 x 142 mm (strip 2)


Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 A 9

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Gregorius Laticephalus de Konitz, Breviuscula facillimaque commentatio in Parvulum philosophiae moralis
Paper · 2 leaves (parts) · 1501 – 1513 CE · 171 x 101 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 212 a-b

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/26/2023
Bernardino da Siena, Sermones
Paper · 24 leaves (parts) · 1501 – 1515 CE · 172 x 100 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 213 a-y

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/26/2023
Latin commentary on an unidentified theological treatise
Paper · 38 strips · 1450 – 1500 CE · 106 x 168 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 215 a-ll

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/26/2023
Parchment · 1 strip · 1301 – 1350 CE · 39 x 155 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 216

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Unidentified theological treatise
Parchment · 1 strip · 1401 – 1450 CE · 27 x 141 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 217

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Liturgical manuscript with noted music
Parchment · 1 strip · 1501 – 1550 CE · 156 x 46 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 218

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Johannes Chrysostomus, Opus imperfectum
Parchment · 1 strip · 1301 – 1400 CE · 128 x 41 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 220

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Augustinus Aurelius, Confessiones
Parchment · 2 parts (attached) · 1301 – 1400 CE · 110 x 35 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 240

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Parchment · 1 strip · 1401 – 1500 CE · 124 x 26 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 241

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Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea
Parchment · 1 leaf (part) · 1351 – 1400 CE · 70 x 53 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 242

Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 07/26/2023
Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea
Parchment · 1 strip (2 parts) · 1251 – 1300 CE


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 242, 244

Overview Facsimile Online Since: 07/26/2023
Parchment · 1 strip · 1401 – 1500 CE · 25 x 117 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 243

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Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea
Parchment · 1 leaf (part) · 1351 – 1400 CE · 72 x 56 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 244

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Johannes subdiaconus, Verba seniorum
Parchment · 1 strip · 1401 – 1500 CE · 27 x 59 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 245

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Collection of canons
Parchment · 1 strip · 1251 – 1300 CE · 167 x 35 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 246

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Parchment · 1 strip · 1251 – 1300 CE · 40 x 113 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 247

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Petrus Comestor, Historia scholastica
Parchment · 1 part · 1301 – 1350 CE · 46 x 33 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 248

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Parchment · 2 strips · 1351 – 1400 CE · 150 x 44 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 249 a-b

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Parchment · 1 strip · 1401 – 1500 CE · 170 x 37 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 250

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Parchment · 2 strips (bound) · 1301 – 1350 CE · 147 x 55 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 252

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Parchment · 2 strips · 1201 – 1300 CE · 118 x 37 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 253 a-b

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Parchment · 1 part · 1251 – 1300 CE · 52 x 40 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 254

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Parchment · 1 strip · 1151 – 1200 CE · 113 x 45 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 255

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Glossed bible
Parchment · 1 strip · 1251 – 1300 CE · 31 x 190 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 256

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Gregorius Magnus, Homiliae in Evangelia
Parchment · 1 strip · 1151 – 1200 CE · 157 x 32 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 258

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Petrus Lombardus, Sententiae
Parchment · 1 strip · 1301 – 1350 CE · 55 x 46 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 259

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Unidentified theological treatise
Parchment · 1 strip · 1251 – 1300 CE · 55 x 44 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 260

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Ali ibn Ridwan, Commentum in Galeni Ars medica, transl. by Gerhardus Cremonensis
Parchment · 1 leaf (trimmed) · 1251 – 1300 CE · 129 x 41 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 261

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Hrabanus Maurus, Commentarium in libros Machabaeorum
Parchment · 1 strip · 801 – 900 CE · 135 x 32 mm


Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 262

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