The latest issue of the scholarly journal dedicated to Fragments, Fragmentology, has been published, with an array of articles on fragments in situ in prints and manuscripts, online and in-person, liturgical and profane! Explore it today.
From the University of Leiden, Dr. Thijs Porck has published newly discovered fragments of the Anglo-Saxon glossed Psalter known as the N-Psalter. These fragments, which can be viewed on Fragmentarium [F-7006], join the ones from Elbląg [F-x8t7] as the latest discoveries from this book. Porck has published a study of the Alkmaar fragments in Open Access in Anglo-Saxon England: See also the University of Leiden's press release.
Marina Bernasconi Reusser, Renzo Iacobucci, and Laura Luraschi, the motive forces behind the Fragmentarium partner project Ticinensia disiecta, have published a discussion of their project, its results, and the importance of the study of medieval fragments in the latest issue of Fogli.
Tuesday, March 11 at the London Palaeography Seminar, in person and online, noted Fragmentologist and Fragmentarium fellow Fran Álvarez will present, "The importance of being a host: new medieval fragments from the libraries of Exeter Cathedral and the University of Salamanca". To participate, register online.
On Friday, 5 July 2024, at 17:00 Paris time, Anna de Bakker, Postdoctoral Researcher at DACT Project, Dalhousie University, will present "Leaves and Links: Enhancing Fragmentarium’s collection of musically-notated liturgical chant fragments." Registration via Zoom.
The London International Palaeography 2024 Summer School has announced their program, including "The Wonder of Working with Fragments" taught by Dr. David Rundle on 7 June 2024, at the spectacular Senate House, University of London. Register for the course and wonder no more!
Short Courses LIPS is also running a range of short courses throughout 2024, including an online course "Introduction to Medieval Spanish Palaeography (800-1500)", which links to the in-person LIPS course: "Books in Late Medieval Spain: A Palaeographical Introduction".
Lucie Moruzzis and Isabelle Scappazzoni, book and paper conservators at the Archives nationales, France, will present “Conserving, Restoring, and Documenting Fragments: the Case of the French National Archives” in the Fragmentarium Video Conferences series. The conference will be held on Friday, 7 June 2024, at 17:00 Paris time, 16:00 in the UK, 11:00 EDT, 8:00 PDT and 15:00Z.
On Friday, May 31, at 17:00 Zürich time, 16:00 BST, 15:00Z, 11:00 EDT, and 8:00 PDT will be held the Fragmentarium Video Conference:
“Showcase of Newly-Published Fragments from St. Gall”
Featuring Chiara De Angelis (Università degli studi di Cassino), Philipp Lenz (Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen), Brigitte Roux (Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen), who will be presenting the recent publication of many of the famed fragments from the Ildefons von Arx fragment volumes of the Abbey Library of St. Gall.
At the end of April, the Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg is hosting a symposium on "Illuminated Cuttings", featuring a star-studded slate of speakers. At this event, Fragmentarium's Marina Bernasconi Reusser will present "Fragmentarium und das GNM. Die Möglichkeiten der digitalen Katalogisierung". The full program is available on the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg's website.
Fragmentology is an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal, dedicated to publishing scholarly articles and reviews concerning medieval manuscript fragments.
Latest issue:
Participation & Recruitment
Scholars interested in an intensive two-day course on manuscript fragments and Fragmentarium may be interested in attending one of our cataloguing courses, where they will undergo intensive training in how to describe and encode manuscript fragments.
Share your fragments with the world! You or your institution can publish fragments on Fragmentarium.