Manuscript Studies at the University of Victoria

Title of the course: Multiple courses in the UVic Medieval Studies Program and Department of English
Instructor: Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin
Institution: University of Victoria (British Columbia, Canada)
Summary: UVic's teaching collaboration with Fragmentarium began with a seminar that operated during the COVID-19 pandemic (Spring 2021) in an entirely asynchronous online environment. This course provided students in English and Medieval Studies with an introduction to medieval European palaeography and codicology, with special attention paid to UVic collections. Within the constraints and opportunities provided by the digital environment, Prof. Adrienne Williams Boyarin worked in collaboration with Fragmentarium's Dr. William Duba and UVic's Special Collections' Heather Dean to teach students about manuscript fragments, fragmentology, and Fragmentarium. Term projects allowed students to research UVic fragments and create new Fragmentarium entries for them, including descriptions and transcriptions. Since Spring 2021, Prof. Williams Boyarin has continued to incorporate fragmentology and Fragmentarium into her in-person manuscript studies courses. Students enjoy the opportunity to learn and combine skills in digital humanities and manuscript studies, and to contribute new resources to an international database and their own institutional library.