Cartulary – Fragment
Parchment · 1 bifolium (trimmed) · 701 – 898 CE · 270 x 320 mmF-1gky
Müstair, Benediktinerinnenkloster St. Johann, XX/48 Nr. 15
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Albert Bruckner, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica 1, Schreibschulen der Diözese Chur, Genf 1935.
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Fragment of a cartulary written around 800. Copies, in part complete, of six deeds of donation have survived. With these, several persons donated - for the salvation of their own soul or for that of relatives - pieces of land to the churches St. Hilarius in Chur and St. Carpophorus in Trimmis. The fact that the two churches St. Hilarius in Chur and St. Carpophorus in Trimmis are named as beneficiaries of the donations suggests that this fragment was part of an episcopal cartulary.