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Missal – Fragment

Parchment · 1 leaf · 1150 – 1200 CE · probably Austria · 268 x 340 mm


Adelaide, State Library of South Australia, b3270588, 58
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  • Maggs Bros., European Miniatures and Illumination & Calligraphy also early writing from Egypt. Bulletin No. 11. London (November 1982)
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Ege, Otto F. (Fragmentator)
Maggs Bros (Seller)
Mettler, Arnold (Previous Owner)
Provenance: Austria

Leaf from a late 12th century Missal. The early gothic angular script, elegant initials and punctus flexus punctuation associates it with a Cistercian monastery. Maggs Bros offered this leaf for sale in Bulletin No. 11, European Miniatures and Illumination & Calligraphy also early writing from Egypt, London (November 1982).

The Missal was owned by Arnold Mettler, of St Gallen (1867-1945), sold as part of his estate at auction at Parke Bernet, New York, 30 November 1948 (lot 317). Otto F. Ege (1888-1951), Cleveland academic and manuscripts dealer bought the Missal, and broke it up to sell its 173 leaves individually. The number '58' written in the top right corner (recto) of this leaf may be a foliation referenc added by Ege. Ege contributed 42 leaves to specimen sets he compiled and marketed as "Fifty Original Leaves from Medieval Manuscripts". The Missal leaves are listed as no. 2 of the 50 chosen exemplars.

Contents: Mass of Ember Friday after Pentecost, beginning partway through the Secret, proceeding to the Mass of Ember Saturday, designated as Sabbato in xii lectionibus, implying it has twelve lessons. The text breaks at the opening of the third lesson, chapter 26 from the Book of Deuteronomy.

Decoration: One 4-line, six 2-line, one, 1-line initials in red, initials slashed with red and rubrics in red.

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