Andreas Alois Di Pauli von Treuheim, 1761-1839

Previous Owner (2)
World chronicle of Rudolf von Ems
Parchment · Eight (two double sheets, two slightly trimmed single sheets, three slightly trimmed half single sheets, one column half of a half single sheet) · 1299 – 1301 CE · 428/433 x 300/306 mm (reference ULBT, Frg. 65_1–4)


Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol, Frg. 65

Rudolf von Ems, 1200-1254 (Previous Owner) Found in: Person attached to document
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 04/18/2019
World chronicle of Rudolf von Ems
Parchment · 37 · 1299 – 1301 CE · 428/433 x 300/306 mm (reference piece ULBT, Frg. 65_1–4)


[sine loco], codices restituti

Andreas Alois Di Pauli von Treuheim, 1761-1839 (Previous Owner) | Anton Roschmann, 1694-1760 (Previous Owner) | Franz Pfeiffer, 1815-1868 (Previous Owner) | Zisterzienser (Previous Owner) | Zisterzienserstift Stams (Previous Owner) Found in: Person attached to description
Overview Facsimile Description   Online Since: 01/22/2020