Document Metadata
inc/exp: ...rex glori[a]e d[ominu]s virtutum i[ps]e est rex glori[a]e.../...Sedis tua Deus in saeculum...
illumination/decoration: Left margin decorated with border of delicate single-stem rinceaux, ivy and holly leaf, predominantly gold with a blue flower at the top and a red strawberry at the bottom of the block. Ten decorated initials: nine one-line and one two-line, burnished gold on a blue and magenta ground with white tracery. Two-line decorated E begins Eructavit, Psalm 44. Rubrication in red. Notes of wear: Tape on verso. Darker staining/marks around the edges, lines from marking off margins/ruling for text/decoration visible. Lines marking off text block extend to the edges of the page.
(Denise O'Malley)