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Missale – Fragment

Parchment · 2 fragments · 1150 – 1199 CE · 199 x 140 mm


Sydney, The University of Sydney Library, Rare Books and Special Collections, Add. Ms. 1
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Fragments from a twelfth-century Missal recycled by a bookbinder as vellum pastedowns on the inside of the front and back covers of a compilation of printed texts. The first text is the well known cooking guide by Apicius Caelius, De opsoniis et condimentis siue arte coquinaria (libri X) edited by Gabriel Hunelberg, printed by Christoph Froschauer, Zurich, 1542.

Fragment 1: The office is the Proper of the Season opening with Mark 9, verses 19-25. The second column begins with the Secret, followed by the Communion (taken from Nehemiah 8: 10), Postcommunion, then the introit for feria vi, Letetur cor querentium dominum and Psalm CIV Confitemini domino et inuocate nomen eius. The Communion verse is written on three-line staves with neumes (Messine punctum, podatus, clivis and pressus).

Fragment 2: The office is the Proper of the Season, opening at Colossians 1, verses 12-14, followed by Matthew 9s verses 18-20. The second column begins with the end of a prayer, followed by a reading for feria iv, Romans 11, verses 25-28.
