Isidorus, De natura rerum
Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. A 92.20
Lowe Elias Avery, Codices Latini Antiquiores. A palaeographical guide to latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century. Part VII: Switzerland, Oxford 1956 (Osnabrück 1982)., p. 6 (CLA VII.857) (Printed, Handwritten, or Typescript)
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General Information
Title Isidorus de Natura Rerum (capp. 33-36, 37-38)
Place of Origin Written in France, probably in the Loire region
Date of Origin saec. VIII-IX
Script, Hands
Script is pre-Carolingian minuscule of French type: a formed like contiguous oc is the rule, Caroline a is the exception; d has two forms, a number of ligatures are used, among them ct and the analogous at, ri and st.
Chapter-heading in red uncial now very pale.
Ink dark brown.
General Remarks
Punctuation: here and there the group *,* marks the main pause, the medial point lesser pauses. Abbreviation include b;, q; = bus, que (and quae); aù = autem; n/ = nus; p_, p- = per, prae; qd- = quod; s- = sunt; t2 = tur. Spelling shows confusion of e and i, o and u, ci for ti, and e for ae.
Original Condition
Ruling Ruling on the flesh-side, apparently before folding. Double bounding lines enclose the text.
Current Condition
More about the Current Condition
Two single folios enclose now sewn together.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Persons: A rota with touches of red and yellow is seen on fol. 2.
- Content Item
- Persons Isidorus
- Text Language Latin
- Title De Natura Rerum
- Content Description
Capp. 33-36, 37-38
Other available descriptions
Hagen, Hermann: Catalogus codicum Bernensium (Bibliotheca Bongarsiana), Hildesheim 1974 (Reprint).
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Methodenkurs: Arbeiten mit mittelalterlichen Handschriftenfragmenten (FS 2018 - Christoph Flüeler)
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Florian Mittenhuber, 2021
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