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The Summa Codicis (likely produced between 1208 and 1210) is the best known work of the influential glossator Azo of Bologna (d. ca. 1230). Azo and his fellow Bolognese glossators analyzed and interpreted the Corpus iuris civilis, the sixth-century Roman emperor Justinian’s canonical compilation of Roman law. Throughout this fragment are citations to the summarised text, the Code, as well as the Digest and the Institutes, two other texts in the Corpus iuris civilis. These heavily abbreviated citations follow medieval convention: the particular text is indicated, then the rubric of a title, then the initium or number of that title’s divisions and, if applicable, its subdivisions.
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Victoria, B.C., University of Victoria Libraries, Fragm.Lat.3, FragmLat3_V – Azo of Bologna, Summa Codicis —