Galenus, Ars medica (Tegni), with Ali ibn Ridwan, Commentum in Galeni Ars medica, transl. by Gerhardus Cremonensis
Ars parva or Microtegni
Additonal notes by Roos in't Velt, Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken, 2023.
General Information
Large northern gothica textualis libraria (main text); small gothica semitextualis libraria (commentary).
Fragments are a remnant of the same manuscript as Antwerpen, FelixArchief, 2201 # 22 (F-ry6z on Fragmentarium).
Original Condition
Number of written lines per column differs, as the parts written in a large hand take up two regular lines per line.
Current Condition
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Pen-flourished initals, alternately in red and blue ink. Left margin of each column is decorated with a J-staff border, alternately in red and blue ink.
- Content Item
Host Volume
Fragments were used as flyleaves in a register of the assizes of beer in the city of Antwerp for 1564 and 1565. A paper leaf with the inscription '1565-3' was attached to both leaves with a string, referring to this origin.