Bonaventura, Commentarius in secundum librum Sententiarum

Distinctio XXIII, articulus 2, questio 2-3; distinctio XXIV, articulus 1, questio 1-2


Toruń, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Rps 42/III/1

General Information

Title Bonaventura, Commentarius in secundum librum Sententiarum
Shelfmarks Ms 42/III/1
Material Parchment
Date of Origin 1250-1300

Original Condition

Page Height at least 290 mm
Page Width at least 220 mm
Height of Written Area up to 235 mm
Width of Written Area up to 145 mm
Number of Columns 2
Width of Columns at least 70 mm
Number of Lines at least 54
Line Height at least 5 mm

Current Condition

Dimensions Front pastedown: 285 x 200, back pastedown: 290 x 210
More about the Current Condition

The bottom margin of the front pastedown is cut off

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Two-line blue and red lombard initials with filigree decoration in contasting color


  • Content Item
    • Persons
    • Text Language latin
    • Title Commentarius in secundum librum Sententiarum
    • Content Description

      f. 1r: [back pastedown, lib. 2, distinctio XXIII, articulus 2, questio 2-3] ǁ et vir de trangressione mandati invenire veniam. Aliter potest dici, quod duplex est iudicium, quoddam est speculationis et illud non est pars liberii arbitri… >< ...non videtur quod absque omni medio Deus a glorificata anima videatur: si igitur videtur per medium sic videbatur ab Adam, restat ergo quod Adam eo genere cognitionis cognovit ǁ.

      f. 2r: [front pastedown, distinctio XXIV, articulus 1, questio 1-2] ǁ li[bero] ar[bitro] Divino, quod ad sola bona determinatum est, iam tale li. ar. caret vanitate per naturam suam, ergo iam non esset creatura nec productum ex nihil, cum omnis creatura vanitati subiecta sit…   [Questio] <S>ecundo, quem utrum datum fuerit homini naturale adiutorium per quod posset absque omni gratia temptationi resistere... >< ...Ad illud, quod oblicitur, quod temptationi resistere, hoc est victoriam optinere… hoc autem solum est, quando homo non tantum resistit adersario volu[ntarie] verum etiam meritorie. Tunc enim recte vincitur dyabolus, quando ex [vexatione temptationis] 

    • Rekopisy_016_02_0063
    • Edition Bonaventurae… in secundum librum Sententiarum elaborata dilucidatio… Venetiis 1580, f. 341v-343r, 349v-351v,



France or Teutonic Prussia


The host volume: Index librorum sexti armarii was compiled about 1540 by Felix Koning prince's Albrecht Hohenzollern librarian in Königsberg. At the same time it was bound with the use of two parchment leaves with Bonaventura's commentary. It belonged first to the castle library, and in the years 1827-1944 to the Royal (then State) and University Library in Königsberg. Then, as a result of the evacuation of the most valuable collections of the library and the change of state borders after the second world war, the evacuated books (among them the host volume) found themselves in the territory of the Polish state. In July 1946, by the decision of the Ministry of Education, they were transferred to the University Library in Toruń.

Persons and Institutions 1. Felix Koning called Polyphemus (about 1500-1549), librarian of prince Albrecht Hohenzollern, 2. prince Albrecht's Hohenzollern castle library in Königsberg, 2. Royal (since 1918: State) and University Library in Königsberg, 3. University Library in Toruń

Host Volume

Title Index librorum sexti armarii (politiores litere et philosophia) Novae Bibliothecae Regimontanae
Date of Origin/Publication About 1540
Place of Origin/Publication Königsberg
Shelfmark Ms 42/III/1
Persons Felix Koning called Polyphemus (author)


  • Janusz Tondel, Biblioteka zamkowa (1529-1568) księcia Albrechta Pruskiego w Królewcu [Castle library (1529-1568) of prince Albrecht of Prussia in Königsberg], Toruń 1992, especially p. 95-97.