

Leuven, KU Leuven Bibliotheken Bijzondere Collecties, Ms. 1544

General Information

Title Antiphonal
Shelfmarks Ms. 1544
Material Parchment
Date of Origin second half 14th century
Script, Hands

Nothern gothica textualis, one hand.

Original Condition

Page Height 323 – 330 mm
Page Width 238 mm
Height of Written Area 238 – 240 mm
Width of Written Area 165 – 170 mm
Number of Columns 1
Number of Lines 12
Line Height 20 mm
Ruling Vertical lines of frame in lead point.

The fragment has medieval foliation: the numbers 'iii' and 'vi' are written in the middle of the upper margin, on the recto side.

Current Condition

Dimensions 330 x 238 mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Plain initials in red, cadels colour-stroked in red. Rubrics in red.

  • Musical Notation

    Staffs of four lines, one in red, with Hufnagel notation. C clefs and custodes.

  • Content

    • Content Item
      • Text Language Latin
      • Title Gradual



    The fragment is from the collection of Jozef Maria De Smet. 

    Host Volume


    The fragment was probably used as the cover of an archival document of the archery guild of Meerssen. On fol. 3r there is a note in an eighteenth-century hand: 'Schutterie de Meerssen'.