General Information
A late Gothic hand is visble at the top of the fragment, and on the verso; stenciled "print-like" letters are also present. The page has been repurposed and re-decorated at least once.
Original Condition
Recto is labeled 144 in Arabic numerals.
Current Condition
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
A figure of a nun in blue with a white wimple and holding a book sits inside a red E, which in turn is inside a gold square. A border of pink, blue, and purple bell-shaped flowers and their leaves curves into three sides of the page, with gold bezants.
Four-line red staff (six per page). Two musical hands present. One has a slightly tilted c-clef and virga with thin descenders; the other uses curved c and f clefs, a rounded flat, and puncta that have hairlines on either side, as well as a small and angular custos.
Probably btained in Paris in the 1930s.