Lectio of Mark 6:47 with Homily of Bede.

Identification of the text, transcriptions: William Duba, Fragmentarium 2018
General Information
Original Condition
p. 364a-b
Current Condition
- Content Item
- Content Item
- Content Item
- Persons Beda Venerabilis
- Text Language Latin
- Title In Marci evangelium expositio, l. 2, c. 6
- Content Description
Rubric: [Omel]ia [Bedae presbyteris* de] ead[em lectione]
[Vnde est illa uox eius inter undas procellas (verso) que temptat]ionu[m uerrentium deprehe]nsae [atque auxilium protecti]onis [illius gemebundo cla]more q[uaerentis: vt quid domine rec]essisti [longe despicis in oport]unit[atibus in tribulatione. Q]uae [pariter uocem inimici pe]rseq[uentis exponit in seque]ntib[us psalmi subiciens: d]ixit [enim in corde suo: oblitus e]st [deus auertit faciem suam] ne [uideat usque in finem.]
- Edition CCSL 120 (D. Hurst, 1960), pp. 631-648, lines 1091-1095.
- Remarks
Edition citation from Brepolis/LLT-A
Host Volume
Around 1500, this composite manuscript of theological-mystical content, which may have originated in Northern Bavaria and have been completed in the area of Lake Constance, was the property of the spiritual community of Franciscan sisters at the lower hermitage (Untere Klause) of St. Leonhard, west of the city of St. Gall, which was dissolved in the wake of the Reformation. This volume contains more than thirty mostly anonymous sermons, treatises and excerpts of treatises of Dominican character.
Description on e-codices.