Gregorius IX, Decretales
Liber II, Titulus XX, Cap. L-LI with commentary
Additional remarks by Roos in't Velt, Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken, 2023.
General Information
Northern gothica textualis libraria, in two sizes (commentary written in a smaller size than main text).
Original Condition
The original width is estimated with the procedure of J.P. Gumbert’s statistical research on page dimensions of manuscripts. He has shown that the ratio of height to width generally lies between 0.60 and 0.80. The estimated minimum width is 183 mm.
The original manuscript probably contained 2 columns per leaf.
Current Condition
Fragment contains inscription ('C. 91.', fol. [1]v) of later date.
Fragment was heavily trimmed. The original manuscript probably contained 2 columns per leaf; the current fragment only contains 1, which was also trimmed in half.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Pen-flourished initials and versals, alternately in red and blue ink. Paraphs alternately in red and blue ink. Red colour stroking and red underlining.
- Content Item
- Persons Pope Gregorius IX
- Text Language Latin
- Title <i>Decretales</i>
- Content Description
Fragment contains part of Decretales, Liber II, Titulus XX ('De testibus et attestationibus'), alongside unidentified commentary.
- Fol. [1]r: Titulus XX, Cap. L ('Attestationes receptae per arbitrum fidem faciunt in iudicio...')
- Fol. [1]v, Titulus XX, Cap. LI ('Non creditur testi etiam religioso, qui sine iuramento deponit')
- Edition
Host Volume
The fragment was used in the binding of Q. Horatius Flaccus, Epistolarum libri duo. Sermonum sive satyrarum libri duo, ad Mecoenatem. Ars poetica by published by Jan van der Loe in 1545 in Antwerp.