Psalms 88, 122-124, 129-131, 80-81, 46-47
General Information
Northern gothica textualis formata.
Manuscript is part of the same original manuscript as Oudenaarde, Stadsarchief Oudenaarde, Perkamenten nr. 56 c, fragm. 1 (F-0eng on Fragmentarium), Perkamenten nr. 56 c, fragm. 3 (F-6xfb on Fragmentarium), Perkamenten nr. 56 y (F-tg8m on Fragmentarium) and Oud Archief stad Oudenaarde, nr. 877/H/9 (in situ fragment, F-a2ke on Fragmentarium).
Original Condition
Catchwords visible on fol. [2]r ('Adiutorium nostrum in nomine domini', referring to Psalm 123: 8), and [3]r ('De profundis clamaui ad te domine', referring to Psalm 129: 1).
Current Condition
Leaves were rebound in a 19th-century binding ('Feuillets dépareillés de livres manuscrits sur parchemin, No 4.'). Fol. [2], [4] and [5] were bound in the opposite direction.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Pen-flourished initials, alternately in red and blue ink, sometimes with marginal extensions and ornamental elements. J-staff borders in red and blue ink (fol. [2]r-v, [3]r, [4]r, [5]r-v). Line fillers in red and blue ink.
Content Item
- Text Language Latin
- Title Psalter
Content Description
- Fol. [1]r: Psalm 88: 12-19.
- Fol. [1]v: Psalm 88: 20-27.
- Fol. [2]r: Psalm 123: 5-8, 124: 1-3.
- Fol. [2]v: Psalm 122: 1-4; 123: 1-4 (page bound in reverse direction).
- Fol. [3]r: Psalm 129: 6-8, 130: 1-3, 131: 1.
- Fol. [3]v: Psalm 131: 2-10.
- Fol. [4]r: Psalm 80: 17, 81: 1-8.
- Fol. [4]v: Psalm 80: 9-17 (page bound in reverse direction).
- Fol. [5]r: Psalm 47: 9 - 48: 4.
- Fol. [5]v: Psalm 46: 9 - 47: 9 (page bound in reverse direction).
Host Volume
At least one of the leaves (fol. [5]) was used as a pastedown in a volume; the offset of this page is still preserved in its host volume (F-85pt on Fragmentarium). The other preserved leaves might have been used in the binding of different archival documents, but not much is known about these.