
Psalms 88, 122-124, 129-131, 80-81, 46-47


Oudenaarde, Stadsarchief Oudenaarde, Handschriften en Zeldzame Drukken, nr. 20-4

General Information

Title Psalter
Shelfmarks Oudenaarde, Stadsarchief Oudenaarde, Handschriften en Zeldzame Drukken, nr. 20-4
Material Parchment
Date of Origin 14th century
Script, Hands

Northern gothica textualis formata.

General Remarks

Manuscript is part of the same original manuscript as Oudenaarde, Stadsarchief Oudenaarde, Perkamenten nr. 56 c, fragm. 1 (F-0eng on Fragmentarium), Perkamenten nr. 56 c, fragm. 3 (F-6xfb on Fragmentarium), Perkamenten nr. 56 y (F-tg8m on Fragmentarium) and Oud Archief stad Oudenaarde, nr. 877/H/9 (in situ fragment, F-a2ke on Fragmentarium).

Original Condition

Page Height 285 mm
Page Width 198 mm
Height of Written Area 236 mm
Width of Written Area 152 mm
Number of Columns 1
Width of Columns 152 mm
Number of Lines 17
Line Height 13 – 14 mm
Ruling Full ink ruling

Catchwords visible on fol. [2]r ('Adiutorium nostrum in nomine domini', referring to Psalm 123: 8), and [3]r ('De profundis clamaui ad te domine', referring to Psalm 129: 1).

Current Condition

Extent 5 leaves (bound)
Dimensions 285 x 198 mm
More about the Current Condition

Leaves were rebound in a 19th-century binding ('Feuillets dépareillés de livres manuscrits sur parchemin, No 4.'). Fol. [2], [4] and [5] were bound in the opposite direction.

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Pen-flourished initials, alternately in red and blue ink, sometimes with marginal extensions and ornamental elements. J-staff borders in red and blue ink (fol. [2]r-v, [3]r, [4]r, [5]r-v). Line fillers in red and blue ink.


  • Content Item
    • Text Language Latin
    • Title Psalter
    • Content Description
      • Fol. [1]r: Psalm 88: 12-19.
      • Fol. [1]v: Psalm 88: 20-27.
      • Fol. [2]r: Psalm 123: 5-8, 124: 1-3.
      • Fol. [2]v: Psalm 122: 1-4; 123: 1-4 (page bound in reverse direction).
      • Fol. [3]r: Psalm 129: 6-8, 130: 1-3, 131: 1.
      • Fol. [3]v: Psalm 131: 2-10.
      • Fol. [4]r: Psalm 80: 17, 81: 1-8.
      • Fol. [4]v: Psalm 80: 9-17 (page bound in reverse direction).
      • Fol. [5]r: Psalm 47: 9 - 48: 4.
      • Fol. [5]v: Psalm 46: 9 - 47: 9 (page bound in reverse direction).
    • fol. [1]r

Host Volume

Title Register kept by the municipal officers ('oppervoogden') of Oudenaarde between 1561 and 1642
Date of Origin/Publication 1642
Place of Origin/Publication Oudenaarde
Shelfmark Oudenaarde, Stadsarchief Oudenaarde, Oud Archief stad Oudenaarde, nr. 877/H/9

At least one of the leaves (fol. [5]) was used as a pastedown in a volume; the offset of this page is still preserved in its host volume (F-85pt on Fragmentarium). The other preserved leaves might have been used in the binding of different archival documents, but not much is known about these.