Summa on Canon Law

l. 2, tit. 5 et 33, cap. 60-74, 115-141.


Stams, Stiftsarchiv, Frg. 262

General Information

Title Commentary on the Digest
Shelfmarks Fragm. 262
Material Parchment
Date of Origin fourteenth century
Script, Hands

Gothic cursive

Original Condition

Page Height 120 – 180 mm
Page Width 100 – 110 mm
Height of Written Area 110 – 115 mm
Width of Written Area 64 mm
Number of Columns 2
Width of Columns at least 31 mm
Number of Lines 45
Line Height 2 – 3 mm

Numbers, indicated question, article, or chapter, appear in rubric in the text, and have been used in naming the reconstructed leaves.

  • Leaf 60
    • ra: 60
    • rb: de restitutione spoliorum [?]
    • vb: 66
  • Leaf 69
    • ra: 69, 70
    • rb: 71, 72
    • vb: 74
  • Leaf 115
    • rb: 115
    • vb?: 123
  • Leaf 125
    • ra: 125, 126, 127, 128, 129
    • rb: 130, 132(?)
    • va: 133, 135
    • vb: 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141

Judging by the division numbers, it is likely that leaves 60-69 and 115-125 were consecutive pairs. It is therefore possible that 60-125 and 69-115 were bifolia, and the fourth- and third-outermost in the gathering.

More about the Condition

Line height measured at between 2.4 and 2.5 mm/line

Current Condition

Extent 4 partial leaves
Dimensions 53 x 47 mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Running titles across the top read ti[tulus] and l[iber] on the verso (60v, 115v: just titulus, 125v), and the numbers on the recto (60r: v iius, 115r: just vus, 125r: 33 iius). The articles or chapters are marked wtih two-line red lombards.


  • Content Item
    • Persons Guilelmus de Pagula (?)
    • Text Language Latin
    • Title Summa Summarum
    • Content Description

      A text discussing canon law issues, perticularly restitution, divided into a division that could be questions, articles, or chapters, which are further coordinated to a running division into titulus and liber. While the text is not entirely legible, references to Hostiensis can be found (most notably, the last word of 69rb), as well as to a Wil. (Guillaume Durand), (69ra). The hypothesis of being William of Pagula's Summa Summarum is based on the weakest evidence: in a passage treating usury, Pagula writes: "Quid de hiis qui <annonam> veterem mutuant ut recipiant novam? Nunquid comittant usuram?" [Lorenc, p. 163, transcribing Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 293, f. 190va]. What would be question 69 here beings "Quid de hiis qui" (69ra). There are other cases of "quid de hiis qui" being used as the incipit of a question (e.g., Greifswald, Bibliothek des Geistlichen Ministeriums 9.B.IV, f. 403r-v: "Quid de hiis qui in civitatibus incole vel cives subducentes solutionem schoth quando teneantur in foro conscientie ad restitutuionem et an peccant mortaliter") [Scheibe, p. 45].

      Moreover, no copy of Pagula's Summa is attested outside of the United Kingdom. The scribe did not write in an anglicana.



The script appears to be a fourteenth-century Gothic cursive. The limited samples and the degradation of the copy make further observations questionable, but I would tend towards the second quarter of the fourteenth century and a German-speaking area. 


The original manuscript was almost certainly cut up and used as binding material, by the looks of it, for spine linings. At some point, the pieces were detached.
