Aristoteles, Categoriae, Latin translation
Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 352 a-c

Elize Van Opstal, Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken, 2023. (Born Digital)
Remarks by the Editor
Additional remarks by Roos in't Velt, Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken, 2023.
General Information
Title Aristoteles, <i>Categoriae</i>, Latin translation
Shelfmarks Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 352 a-c
Material Parchment
Date of Origin first half 14th century
Script, Hands
Small Northern gothica textualis libraria (main text); small northern gothica textualis currens (glosses).
Original Condition
Page Height at least 245 mm
Page Width 149 mm
Number of Columns 1
Number of Lines at least 23
Ruling Lead-point ruling
More about the Condition
The original height is estimated with the procedure of J.P. Gumbert’s statistical research on page dimensions of manuscripts. He has shown that the ratio of height to width generally lies between 0.60 and 0.80. The estimated minimum height is 245 mm.
Current Condition
Extent 3 strips
Dimensions 51-59 x 37-147 mm
More about the Current Condition
Fragments all have different measurements. Fol. [1] measures 65 x 147 mm, fol. [2] 103 x 61 mm, fol. [3] 51 x 37 mm.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Paraphs, alternately in red and blue ink. Red penwork, presumably extension of lost pen-flourished initial (fol. [3]).
- Content Item
Host Volume
Title Leonhartus Fuchsius, <i>De historia stirpium commentarii insignes</i>
Date of Origin/Publication 1551
Place of Origin/Publication Lyon
Shelfmark Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, G 5402
Persons Leonhartus Fuchsius (author of host volume); Balthazar Arnoullet (printer of host volume)
Fragments were used in binding.