
Mass for the Dead ('In die omnium fidelium animarum')


Gent, Rijksarchief te Gent, Archief van de kerk Sint-Jacobs te Gent, Overdracht 2023, nr. 58.4

General Information

Title Processional
Shelfmarks Gent, Rijksarchief te Gent, Archief van de kerk Sint-Jacobs te Gent, Overdracht 2023, nr. 58.4
Material Parchment
Place of Origin Low Countries
Date of Origin second half 15th century
Script, Hands

Northern gothica textualis libraria/currens, multiple hands. Explicit written in Gothica hybrida currens.

Original Condition

Page Height 137 mm
Page Width 98 mm
Height of Written Area 100 – 105 mm
Width of Written Area 65 – 67 mm
Number of Columns 1
Width of Columns 65 – 67 mm
Number of Lines 17 – 18
Line Height 5 – 7 mm
Ruling No longer visible

Quire of two bifolia.

More about the Condition

Due to the small size of the quire, it is possible that the entire manuscript only consisted of this particular quire.

Current Condition

Extent 2 bifolia
Dimensions 137 x 98 mm
More about the Current Condition

Fol. [1]r-[4]v contain traces of pasted paper. Fol. [4]v contains a later added note; this note is, however, difficult to read.

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Cadels with red colour stroking (fol. [1]r, [2]v-[3]r). Red plain initials, red rubrication, red colour stroking.

  • Musical Notation

    Square notation on four red staves.

  • Content

    • Content Item
      • Text Language Latin (main text); Middle Dutch (explicit)
      • Title Processional
      • Content Description

        Mass for the Dead ('In die omnium fidelium animarum. Ad processionem: in exeundo ecclesiam').

        • Responsory 'Subvenite sancti dei occurrite angeli' (CantusID 007716), with verse 'Suscipiat te Christus' (CantusID 007716a).
        • Responsory 'Libera me domine de morte aeterna' (CantusID 007091), with responsory verses 'Dies illa dies irae' (CantusID 007091g), 'Tremens factus sum ego' (CantusID 007091x) and 'Quid ego miserrimus' (CantusID 007091ta).
        • Psalms, list of saints, collecta.
      • fol. [1]v-[4]r
      • Remarks

        Fragment ends with an explicit in Middle Dutch: 'Bidt voor hem ende naer zijn doot die dit ghenoteert heeft...' (fol. [4]v). It can therefore be assumed that this quire was the final quire in the original manuscript, with fol. [4]v being the final page.



    Fragments were transferred from St Jacob's Church (Ghent) to the Ghent State Archives in 2023.

    Host Volume


    Fragment was used in a book binding; possibly a register.