Unidentified Middle Dutch text


Elbląg, Biblioteka Elbląska im. C. Norwida, SD.XVI.784 (inw. 302)

Remarks by the Editor

With the kind help of Bart Jaski, Utrecht University

General Information

Title Unidentified Middle Dutch text (pastoral text?)
Former Shelfmarks Ob.6.II.3031; B.Bh
Material Parchment

Original Condition

Number of Lines at least 19
Line Height 5 mm

Current Condition

Dimensions Five stripes, one about 10 x 65, four about 15 x 65 mm each (the dimentions concern the visible part only)

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


A fragment of an illumination in red, green and gold; two-line capital letter in red; rubrics 


  • Content Item
    • Content Description

      The third and the second part fit together

    • Image00020



The host volume belonged to the library of Elbląg Gymnasium. The Gymnasium, founded in 1535, was the oldest school of this type on the territory of Prussia and, for that matter, the Kingdom of Poland. The library was established in 1601. The host volume belonged to the library of Elbląg Gymnasium. The Gymnasium, founded in 1535, was the oldest school of this type on the territory of Prussia and, for that matter, the Kingdom of Poland. The library was established in 1601. Most of the collection is currently owned by Elbląg Library.

Previous owners of the host volume:
1. D. Weber (provenance note on the title page) 
2. Johan Georg Mund (1773-1852, rector of the Elbląg Gymnasium) (a stamp with initials IGM)

Host Volume

Title Casius Dion, Historiae Romanae libri XLVI
Date of Origin/Publication 1592
Place of Origin/Publication Francofurti: apud Andreae Wecheli heredes, Claudium Marnium & Joan. Aubrium