Vergilius Sangallensis
(Ecl., Georg. IV, Aen. I, III, IV, VI)
General Information
Running titles on each opening, in smaller Square capitals between groups of ornamental strokes and dots. The surviving colophon to the Bucolies and heading to the first book of the Georgics are in large Square capitals, with both overlined (p. 35).
No separation of words and no punctuation by the original hand; an early corrector marked sense pauses by means of one or two high commas.
The only abbreviation found on the fragment is Q' = que.
Ink olive-brown, with a tendency to scale off on the flesh-side. Script is a majestic, lapidary Square capital, apparently by more than one hand. Small interlinear corrections by the scribe, some in grey ink by others.
Original Condition
Current Condition
Partly palimpsest, primary script (pp. 35/36, 39/40, 43/44, 47/48) had once been folded in two and used for writing Psalms, Canticles, and Prayers, saec. XII ex. and XIII).
Twelve folios survive, some only in part, paginated 7-49 (including paper interleaves), besides a number of smaller fragments, bound in a miscellany of ca. 200 pages (an offset in the binding of St. Gall MS. 275 is seemingly from a lost fragment of Aen. VI, mentioned by C. G. Müller, Analecta Bernensia III, p. 6).
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Ornamentation: a rope-like line is seen below the last verse of the Georgics. Lib. IV (p. 48).
Content Item
- Persons Vergilius
Content Description
The contents are as follows: Ecl., Colophon, and Georg., Titulus (p. 35, with p. 36 blank); Georg. IV. 345-363, 365-381 (pp. 39/40), 383-400, 402-419 (pp. 43/44). 535-566 (pp. 47/48); Aen. I. 381-418 (pp. 7/8), 685-702. 704-721 (pp. 11/12); III. 191-207, 210-226 (pp. 16/15), 457-474,476-493 (pp. 20/19), 495-511, 514-530 (pp. 23/24); IV. 1-18, 20-37 (pp. 27/28); VI. 656-659, 675-678 (pasted to p. 49), 688-724 (pp. 31/32).
Content Item
Was used at St. Gall, apparently in 1461, for binding and repairing manuscripts (e.g. MSS. 22, 248, 275, and others).