Book of Hours (Use of Paris)
Hours of the Cross at Sext and None.

Original Condition
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Rinceaux and small leaves fill the upper, lower, and lefthand margins. Some of the flowers and all of the leaves are illuminated. Recto has an illuminated initial "D" at the start of line 5 that has rinceaux sprouting off of it. Verso has several illuminated initials. Four smaller initials start the first four lines followed by two larger slightly illustrated illuminated initials starting lines 5 and 12.
Offered by Bernard Quaritch cat. 240 (1905), no. 230 and cat. 290 (1910), no. 253;
Sold by Quaritch to C. L. Ricketts in 1922;
C. L. Ricketts, in S. de Ricci, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada I:634, no. 116;
Sold by Parke-Bernet Galleries, 23 February 1939, lot 217;
Dismembered by Otto Ege or an associate;
Leaves used as No. 30 in Ege’s “Fifty Original Leaves of Medieval Manuscripts” portfolio;
Aquired by University of Saskatchewan at an unknown date.
Bernard Quaritch cat. 240 (1905), no. 230 and cat. 290 (1910), no. 253;
Parke-Bernet Galleries, 23 February 1939, lot 216;
S. de Ricci, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada I:634, no. 116