Chants and sequences for the nativity of Mary
General Information
Southern textualis.
Original Condition
Current Condition
The bifolium underwent restoration in the 1980s, when the archive was under the supervision of Monsignor Ercole Agnoletti. The parchment wrapper was detached from the host volume, stretched, tears and gaps repaired with Japanese paper.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Initial letters (1-tetragram) in red, 4 of them filigree letters.
On the upper part of folio 1v the space for capital L of 'Lilium' (3-tetragram), has been excised, while the space for capital H (3-tetragram) of 'Hodie', bottom of f.1v, has been left blank.
Partly square notation on red ink four-line staff, partly neumatic notation on yellow C-line and red F-line, partly neumes on black tetragram with red F-line. Custos always present.
It is clear that the stave lines have been traced after the notes and not viceversa; probably the color of the lines was superimposed on a previous dry ruling.
Content Item
- Text Language Latin
Content Description
Folio 1r: Incipit “Deus meus ubi commendo spiritum meum
In nativitate Sanctae Mariae Virginis a
Nativitas tua dei genetrix
Nativitatem Virginis Marie celebremus
Ecce tu pulchra es amica
Sicut (1v) lilium inter spinas
Favus distillans labia tua
Emissiones tue paradisus
Fons hortorum puteus aquarum
[V]eniat dilectus meus in ortum suum
[H]odie nata est beata virgo: ex progenie
David per quam salus mun
(2 r) di credentibus apparuit…
Beatissime virginis
Beatissime virginis
Cum iocunditate nativitatem
Gloriose virginis Marie
Hodie (2 v) nata est beata virgo Maria
Veni in ortum
Talis est
Descendi in hortum meum
Explicit: Revertere revertere Sunamitis revertere ut”