Johannes de Sancto Amando, Expositio super Antidotarium Nicolai
Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 6 a-b

Roos in't Velt, Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken, 2023 (Born Digital)
General Information
Title Johannes de Sancto Amando, <i>Expositio super Antidotarium Nicolai</i>
Shelfmarks Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 6 a-b
Material Parchment
Date of Origin 15th century
Script, Hands
Small gothica cursiva libraria, multiple hands.
Original Condition
Page Height at least 86 mm
Page Width 150 – 153 mm
Height of Written Area at least 65 mm
Width of Written Area 117 mm
Number of Columns 2
Width of Columns 53 – 55 mm
Number of Lines at least 17
Line Height 4 – 5 mm
Ruling Full lead-point ruling
Medieval foliation using Arabic numerals ('21', '30') in the upper margin.
Fragment was most likely the outer leaf of a quinto quire.
More about the Condition
Text had marginal glosses a trimmed gloss is still visible in the outer margin of fol. 21v.
Current Condition
Extent 1 bifolium (trimmed, 2 strips)
Dimensions 86 x 153 mm
More about the Current Condition
Fragment consists of two loose strips that stem from the same bifolium; the fragments still fit together.
There are paper traces still stuck on fol. 21v and 30r.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Red-and-blue pen-flourished parted initial with interior reserved shapes and marginal extensions ('J'-staff border) on fol. 21r. Pen-flourished plain red initial with purple penwork on fol. 30v. Red colour stroking.
- Content Item
Fragments were used in a book binding, most likely as pastedowns.