Augustini Sermones

sermo 140 and 212


St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, Cod. Sang. 1395

General Information

Title Augustinus, Sermones (CXL, CCXII)
Material Parchment dark brown on the hair-side
Place of Origin Written presumably in North Italy, tojudge from the script, possibly in a sciptorium with Insular connexions.
Date of Origin SAEC. VII
Script, Hands

Colophons in large black capitals mixed with uncial. Headings in red uncial. Punctuation: the colon marks the main pauses, the medial point lesser pauses. Abbreviations include the normal forms of Nomina Sacra and "quoniam". Omitted M, even in mid-line, is marked by a horizontal stroke.

Script is a bold but irregular uncial, with M mostly in a half-uncial form: the lower bow of B is broad; i-longa is used initially here and there; the second upright of N is mostly comma-shaped, recalling the practice in North Italian manuscripts.

General Remarks

Ink greyish-brown.

Original Condition

Number of Lines at least 24
Ruling Ruling on the flesh-side, possibly after folding. Double bounding lines in both margins. Prickings in both margins guided the ruling.

Current Condition

Dimensions 235 x ca. 185 mm. <183 x ca. 145 mm.>
More about the Current Condition

Two single folios, paginated 412 - 415 in a miscellany;


  • Content Item
    • Persons Augustinus



Belonged to St. Gall by the fifteenth century (see the entry of that date at the top of p.415).