Commentary to judicial sentences


Elbląg, Biblioteka Elbląska im. C. Norwida, SD.XVI.53 (inw. 92)

General Information

Title Commentary to judical sentences
Former Shelfmarks Pol.6.II.226
Material Parchment

Original Condition

Page Height at least 360 mm
Page Width at least 280 mm
Height of Written Area 278 mm
Width of Written Area 184 mm
Number of Columns 2
Width of Columns 84 mm
Number of Lines 51

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Pagina currens; 3-line blue and red lombards; rubrics


  • Content Item
    • Text Language German and Latin
    • Content Description

      [...]igis lon czu habin. Ut in decretis ...><... de vi bonorum raptorum § Quia cum Czu dem

    • outer_back



Previous owner of the host volume:
Zacharias Barthen (inscription on the title page)


The host volume belonged to the library of the Elbląg Gymnasium. Founded in 1535, the Gymnasium was the oldest school of this type in Prussia and, for that matter, the Kingdom of Poland. The library was established in 1601. Most of the collection passed into possession of the modern Elbląg Library.

Host Volume

Title Artes et imposturae Novi Evangelii thesibus magistrorum comprehensae, praeside Hadriano Iungio ... respondente Melchiore Prakovio
Date of Origin/Publication 1589
Place of Origin/Publication Posnaniae: typis Ioannis Worlabii,