Leaf from a Missal


Montreal, McGill Library Rare Books and Special Collections, MS Medieval 0020

General Information

Title Leaf of a Missal
Shelfmarks MS Medieval 0020
Material Parchment
Script, Hands

Northern Textualis

General Remarks

Chants for Ember Friday and Saturday in September.

Original Condition

Page Height at least 370 mm
Page Width at least 260 mm
Number of Columns 2
Number of Lines at least 32

Labelled CXXV on verso.

Current Condition

Dimensions 370 x 260 mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Simple red and blue initials, two lines in height, for prayers and lections.



Obtained from bookseller Erik von Scherling (1907-56) (Catalogue 10, 1930, item number 899).