Constitutiones synodales Henrici III episcopi Warmiensis
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Book Decoration and Musical Notation
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- Title Statutum synodale Henrici III episcopi Wariniensis
Content Description
(f. gv) [...] mandatorum nostrorum et aliis oc[currenti]bus nobis fiat [fides]. (f. ar) Preterea cum se[cundum canon]es vehementer Ecclesiam [Dei destruant] ...><... (f. gv) alias prout iustum fuerit procedemus. Datum apud ecclesiam (f. ar) nostram cathedra[lem] anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo [...]
- Edition Constitutiones synodales Warmienses, Sambienses, Pomesanienses, Culmenses, necnon provinciales Rigenses, rec. Franz Hipler, Brunsberga 1899; Franz Hipler, Geschichte und Statuten der Ermlandischen Diözesansynoden, "Pastoralblatt für diözese Ermland", Bd. 27:7 (1895), 74-83; Andreas Thiel, De synodo dioecesana Henrici III Episcopi Warmiensis, [in:] Index Lectionum in Lyceo Regio Hosiano Brunsbergensi per hiemem a die XV oct. anni MDCCCLXI instituendarum, Braunbergae 1861.
- Secondary Literature German translation: F. Hipler, Geschichte und Statuten der Ermlandischen Diözesansynoden, "Pastoralblatt für diözese Ermland", Bd. 27:7 (1895), 74-83. Polish translation: Statuty synodalne Warmińskie, Sambijskie, Pomezańskie, Chełmińskie oraz Prowincjonalne Ryskie z braniewskiego wyd. księdza Franciszka Hiplera 1899 roku oraz pierwodruków 1922 i 1932 roku przeł. Julian Wojtkowski, Olsztyn 2010.
The fragments probably constitute the oldest known copy of the text
The host volume is a part of a manuscript collection which was brought from Elbląg (Elbing) to Cambridge after 1626 by an Anglican priest, Richard Pernham, and his wife Mary (her name appears on f. 2v). The Pernhams stayed in Elbląg (Elbing) from 1618 to 1626 and were connected to the local English trading post. Some of the volumes contain provenance evidence of the Brigittine monastery, which, in turn, took over (at least partially) the library of the local Teutonic castle.