Gregorius Magnus, Dialogorum Libri IV
Original Record Created by Sandy Maillard, Fragmentarium, 2018
General Information
This fragment is from the same manuscript as St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 214. Another offset is F-28ix (Cod. Sang. 92).
Original Condition
Line height 5.8 mm; the bottom three lines are estimated to be present based on the text.
Current Condition
- Content Item
- Persons
- Text Language Latin
- Title Dialogiorum Libri IV
- Content Description
verso (left side of offset): IV.32.3: [timeret] et in illa missarum celebritate...
- Gregorius: huius rei sententia in verbis/
- [est dominicis, quae iam] superius protulimus, luce/
- [clarius demonstrata in] quibus cum dictum esset homo quidam/
- [erat dives, qui induebat]purpura et bisso et epule-/
- [batur quotidie splendide et] erat quidam mendicus nomine/
- [Lazarus , qui iacebat ad ianuam eius ulceribus plenus, cupiens saturari de micis quae cadebant de mensa divitis, et nemo illi dabat ; sed et canes veniebant, et lingebant]
IV.32.1-(continuation from facing verso): [ulcera] eius. Subiunctum est... 32.5: Et electus Lazarus [a reprobo est divite] cognitus.
Host Volume
Manuscript compilation consisting mainly of works of liturgical and pastoral character, produced between 845 and 870 in the monastery of St. Gall. It contains, among other items, a liturgical study by Abbot Walahfrid Strabo of Reichenau (808/09-849) Liber de exordiis et incrementis quarundam in observationibus ecclesiasticis rerum, the first western European reference work on liturgical history, the so called Ordines Romani, a liturgical study by Amalar of Trier, the first Capitular of Bishop Theodulf of Orléans, two treatises about baptism and the mass attributed to Alcuin as well as the Capitular documents (diocesan legislative documents) of Haito, Bishop of Basel and Abbot of Reichenau.