Leo Magnus, Sermones

Sermo 74, De Ascensione Domini 2


Gubbio, Archivio di Stato di Perugia. Sezione di Gubbio, Fondo Notarile, vol. 1127

Remarks by the Editor

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Laura Rogari and our digitisation team for their photos, the Archivio di Stato for their generosity in making this text available, and immense thanks to my mentor Leonardo Costantini, who introduced me to palaeography and devoted a large amount of time to sharing his knowledge with me.

General Information

Title Leo Magnus, Sermo 74, De Ascensione Domini 2, 2-5
Shelfmarks Fondo Notarile, vol. 1127
Material Parchment
Place of Origin Italy (perhaps a scriptorium in Gubbio)
Date of Origin s. XII
Script, Hands

Proto-Gothic script, 1 hand

General Remarks

The leaf preserves an ample portion of Sermo 74, De Ascensione Domini 2 by Leo Magnus. It is overall in a good state of conservation, although much of the recto (especially col. 1) has been folded by the bookbinder and is now unreadable.

The text is written in 2 columns, each of ca. 40 lines.

The calligraphic effort of the scribe is to be praised, pointing to the fact that the text was carefully procured and meant to have aesthetic value. The script is proto-Gothic and may be placed in the 12th century. Perhaps the text came from a scriptorium in Gubbio, and we may compare it with MS II.D.6 (Vitae Sanctorum et passiones Martyrum) at the local Archivio Diocesano, which exhibits the same calligraphic traits and dates to the same period.

I was unable to inspect the fragment in situ, therefore digital reproductions have been used and they offer a clear and vivid view of this leaf. Some portions of the leaf were invisible to the naked eye due to pieces of paper glued onto the fragment, but they could be recovered in post-processing by enhancing the contrast of the images.

Original Condition

Page Height at least 395 mm
Page Width at least 280 mm
Number of Columns 2
Number of Lines at least 40
Ruling Ruling with dry point

Current Condition

Dimensions 280 x 140 mm


  • Content Item
    • Persons
    • Text Language Latin
    • Title Leo Magnus, Sermones
    • Content Description


      Below is a transcription of the fragment found in Gubbio, which has been collated against the text of Leo Magnus’ Sermones in Migne, Patrologia Latina, vol. 54. Where possible, some lacunae have been supplemented using angle brackets. I have indicated where the text differs from Migne’s ed., offering variants between parentheses. Missing lines have been reported as precisely as possible. The spelling adopted is not medieval but that of classical Latin.

      Recto (Sermo 74, De Ascensione Domini 2, 2–4)  

      Column 1  

      {… lineae V uel VI desunt …} / {…}ltiplican- / {…}nitus pre- / {…} et ad iudi- / {…}ortuos in / {…}a ascendit / {…}taque redempt- / {…} fuit, in / {…} ut, et ut / {…} esset ac fir- / {…}rina suc- / {…}ritatem / {…}radiis cre- / {…}erentur. / {…}e domini / {… lineae II uel III desunt …} / {…} famis (fames ed.) / {…}is ferarum / {…}entium / {…}a ter- / {…}de per uni- / {…} non solum / {…}e, nec / {…}eri. Sed / {…}s, usque / {…}nis de / {…} demo- / {…} depu- / {…}t. Unde / {…}t mira- /  

      Column 2

      {…}uerteretur in gau{…} / um. Totam enim contemp- / tione animi in divini{…} / ad patris in dexteram conse{…} tis erexerant. Nec iam {…} reae uisionis tardabantur {…} / tutu, quominus in id a{…} / mentis intenderent, qu{…} / a patre descendendo afue{…} / nec a discipulis ascendendo {…} / serat. Tunc igitur dilec{…} / mi filius hominis, dei fili{…} / excellentius sacratiusque i{…} / tuit cum in paternae ma{…} / {… lineae II uel III desunt …} / nanitate longinquior. / ad aequalem patri filium {…} / ditior fides gressu cepit m{…} / tis ascendere et contrectat{…} / ne corporeae in Christo substar{…} que (qua ed.) patre minor est non {…} / re. Quoniam glorificatio corpo- / ris manente natura, eo fid{…} / credentium uocabatur, u{…} / non carnali manu, sed spiri- / tali intellectu par{…} / unigenitus tangeretur. Hi{…} / illud est quod post resurre{…} / nem suam dominus cum{…} /  

      Verso (Sermo 74, De Ascensione Domini 2, 4–5)

      Column 1

      <ge>ren<s ad contact>um ipsius pro- / peraret accedere. Dicit ei: no- / li me tangere. Nondum enim / ascendi ad patrem meum. Hoc / est. Nolo ut ad me corporaliter / uenias. Nec ut me sensu car- / nis agnoscas. ad sublimiora te / differo, maiora tibi praeparo, cum / ad patrem meum ascendero. / Tunc me perfectius ueriusque / palpabis, adprehensura quod / non tangis, et creditura quod / non uides. Cum autem ascenden- tem in caelos (ad coelos ed.) dominum sequaces / discipulorum oculi intenta ad- / miratione suspicerent asti- / terunt coram ipsis angeli duo / mirabili uestium candore / fulgentes qui et dixerunt {...} / {… lineae VIII desunt …} / Crederetur. nec posset ambigi / omnia illi esse subiecta cui ipso cor- / poreae natiuitatis exordio famu- / latus seruisset angelicus. Sicut / enim concipiendum Christum de Spiritu / sancto beatae uirgini angelus nun- / tiauit. Sicut (sic et ed.) editum de uirgine / caelesti uox coelestium pastoribus / cecinit. Sicut resurrexisse a / mortuis supernorum nuntiorum te- / stimonia prima docuerunt. / Sic ad iudicandum mundum /

      Column 2

      <in ipsa carne> uenturum <angelorum> / officia praedicarunt. Vt <intel-> / legeremus quantae potestates / adfuturae sint cum iudicaturo / cui tantae ministrauerunt / etiam iudicando. Exul<t>emu<s> / itaque dilectissimi gaudio spir<i-> / tali et digna apud dominum gratia / actione laetantes, liberos cordis / oculos ad illam altitud<i>nem, / in qua Christus est, erigamus. Sur- / sum uocatos animos desideria / terrena non deprimant. Ad / aeterna praelectos peritura non / occupent. Viam ueritatis in / gressos, fallaces inlecebrae non / retardent. Et ita a fidelibus. haec / {…}alia decurrantu<r> ut / {…} nari se in hac mundi / {…} agnoscant, in qua etiam / {…} modat <b>landiun- / {…} nequiter / {… una linea deest …} / {…}tione{…} / {…}trus in{…} / {…} deuotio {…} qua / {…}s Christi ouibus trina dominici / amoris professione concepit / obsecrans dicit, carissimi opsecro / uos tamquam aduenas et pere- / grinos abstinere uos a carnali- / bus desideriis quae militant / aduersus animam. Cui autem, / nisi diabolo, carnales militant / uoluptates, qui animas ad super- / na tendentes corruptibilium / bonorum delectationibus obligare, / et ab illis sedibus de quibus ipse / excidit, gaudit (gaudet ed.) abducer{…} /

    • recto_recostruction

Host Volume

Title Fondo Notarile, vol. 1127 (documents produced by a local family of notaries, Baldelli, dating from 1593 to 1596) preserved at the State Archive in Gubbio.
Date of Origin/Publication End of XVI century
Place of Origin/Publication Gubbio
Shelfmark Fondo Notarile, vol. 1127