Noted missal

Beginning of the Canon of the Mass


Scherpenheuvel-Zichem, Abdij der Norbertijnen van Averbode, Archief, Sectie IV, hs. 417, 7

General Information

Title Noted missal
Material Parchment

Current Condition

Dimensions 294 x 227 mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


On the original recto, a large column-width "Vere dignum" monogram begins the Preface to the Canon of the Mass. The monogram is gilded with gold leaf on a pale pink ground, set against a "champ" style background of alternating red and blue squares decorated with white filigree.

On the verso, the bottom of the page contains a framed half-page miniature of the Crucifixion, heavily abraded and damaged. Christ on the cross, in the centre, is flanked by two figures on each side: two women on the left side and two men (one a youth, probably St John) on the right. All of the faces have lost their features and much of the paint layer is also gone. The Virgin Mary stands closest to the crucified Christ on the left, wearing a blue mantle and a crown. Above the horizontal arms of the cross are two discs representing the sun (left) and the moon (right). The background is gold leaf, also heavily abraded.


  • Content Item
    • Text Language Latin
    • Title Beginning of the Canon of the Mass
    • Content Description

      The leaf contains the "Sursum corda" and Preface to the Mass, followed by the Credo.