Calendar for 1517(?) [Latin]


Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum, Cal.PBS.2019.28.03

General Information

Title Calendar for 1517(?) [Latin]
Shelfmarks Cal.PBS.2019.28.03
Material Paper
Place of Origin Nuremberg
Date of Origin 1516 (?)

Original Condition

Page Height at least 210 mm
Page Width at least 150 mm
Height of Written Area at least 190 mm
Width of Written Area at least 136 mm
Number of Columns 3
Width of Columns 75 – 80 mm
Number of Lines at least 39
More about the Condition

Due to the extant text and mis-en-page, it is conjectured that the calendar originally consisted of three columns. 

Current Condition

Extent 1 broadside (trimmed)
Dimensions 210 x 150 mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Printed in red and black. One woodcut (Zodiac Man), with text in German.


  • Content Item
    • Text Language Latin; German
    • Title Calendar (for 1517?)
    • Content Description

      Printed in Nuremberg: Adam Dyon (1516?).

      The intact portion of this fragment contains information for December 15-31, as well as a section titled "De minucione et pharmacia," outlining the advisability of bloodletting and other medical advice based on Zodiacal signs. 

    • Remarks

      The printing date is conjectured by the full moon appearing on December 28, which occurred in 1517, and the Nuremberg imprint. Adam Dyon's first press was located in Nuremberg; it appears that his press moved to Breslau in 1518. (See Claus, Helmut, "New Light on the Presses of Adam Dyon and Kaspar Libisch in Breslau (1518-1540)," in Flood, John L. and Kelly, William A. (eds.) The German Book, 1450-1750: Studies Presented to David L. Paisey in His Retirement. London: British Library, 1995.)