Aelius Antonius Nebrissensis, Introductiones latinae

(With additions by Julianus Garces)


Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum, Ant.PF.2020.01.02

General Information

Title Antonius Nebrissensis, Aelius, Introductiones latinae
Shelfmarks Ant.PF.2020.01.02
Material Paper
Place of Origin Paris
Date of Origin 1500 (19 November)

Original Condition

Page Height 200 mm
Page Width 135 mm
Height of Written Area 150 mm
Width of Written Area 90 mm
Number of Columns 1
Number of Lines 40

Printed signatures: d1; e1

Current Condition

Extent Two unbound sheets (trimmed), in quarto, consisting of eight leaves.
Dimensions 220 x 320 mm
More about the Current Condition
  • Sheet 1: Leaves d1-2, d5-6
  • Sheet 2: Leaves e1-2, 5-6
  • Evidence of reuse as a board (cut slits to accomodate cords; pierced holes to accomodate ties).

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Two-line Lombardic capitals.


  • Content Item
    • Persons Antonius Nebrissensis, Aelius (1444-1522)
    • Text Language Latin
    • Title Introductiones latinae
    • Content Description

      Printed in Paris: Guy Marchant, for Denis Roce, 19 November 1500.



Other fragments from the same board included a grammar in Latin and French [Paris? Guy Marchant? 1500?] and Raymundus Lullus, Opuscula [Paris, Guy Marchant, 6 and 10 April 1499], GW M19478/GW M19483.


  • ISTC ia00904000

    From ISTC: Goff A904; R(Suppl) 135; Pell Ms 8293 (8218); Arnoult 104; Neveu 46; Torchet 61; Bod-inc A-355; Sheppard 6243; GW 2233