Stuttgart, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, B 555 Bd. 435*

Stefan Morent, Tübingen 2018 (Born Digital)
General Information
Title Antiphonale
Shelfmarks B 555 Bd. 435*
Material Parchment
Place of Origin Benediktinerkloster Zwiefalten
Date of Origin 14. Jahrhundert
Original Condition
Page Height at least 400 mm
Height of Written Area at least 330 mm
Number of Lines at least 11
Current Condition
Dimensions 400 x 70
More about the Current Condition
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Book Decoration and Musical Notation
dt. Neumen auf Linien; 5(?) dunkleLinien
- Content Item
- Text Language Latin
- Content Description
<Das Fragment zeigt das Zeilenende>
///// sa
/// pe R[esponsorium]
[v]eni elec[ta?] <nur Text-Incipit>
///r - Remarks
Gehört zur selben Quelle wie B 551 Bü 59, B 555 Bde 104*, 118*, 127*, 128*, 216*, 217*, 221*, 386*, 411*, 418*, 435*, 442*, 520*, 604*, 711*, 712*, 714*, 715*, 718*, 739*, 749*, 750*, 751*, 752*, 753*, 754*, 755*, 756*, 757*, 758* und H 236 Bd. 39 (olim Zw 57)
Host Volume
Title Statthalterey Rechnung Großengstingen
Date of Origin/Publication 1726/1727
Place of Origin/Publication Benediktinerkloster Zwiefalten
Shelfmark B 555 Bd. 435*