

Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, Fragm. 432 a-d

Remarks by the Editor

Additional remarks by Roos in't Velt, Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken, 2023.

General Information

Title Missal
Shelfmarks Fragm. 432 a-d
Material Parchment
Date of Origin Main text written in 12th century, with additions from the 14th and 15th century.
Script, Hands

At least three hands can be identified in this fragment. Fol. [1]r is written in a 12th-century praegothic hand. Fol. [1]v contains a 14th-century hand written in northern gothica textualis libraria, with 15th-century glosses written in a gothica cursiva currens.

Original Condition

Page Height at least 145 mm
Page Width at least 142 mm
Height of Written Area at least 92 mm
Number of Columns 2
Number of Lines at least 17
Ruling Full lead-point ruling (fol. [1]r); full ink ruling (fol. [1]v)

No numbering visible.

More about the Condition

The height and widht of the original condition are based/estimated on the basis of the current condition. Due to the severe fragmentation it is difficult to determine the original condition.

Current Condition

Extent 4 strips (parts of 1 leaf)
Dimensions 112-145 x 138-142 mm
More about the Current Condition

Fragments were all part of the same leaf. They were all restored using adhesive tape.

Book Decoration and Musical Notation

  • Musical Notation

    Adiastematic neumatic notation without staves.

  • Content

    • Content Item
      • Text Language Latin
      • Content Description
        • Fol. [1]r:
          • Sequence on Trinity Sunday ('Gloria tibi trinitas cujus larga nos bonitas...' (CantusID ah09001), defective).
        • Fol. [1]v:
          • Antiphon on the feast of St Michael [29 September] ('Perpetuum nobis domine tuae miserationis...', CantusID 004275).
          • Quotations from Apocalypse 19: 9-10 and Psalm 33:8-9.
      • fol. [1]r

    Host Volume

    Title Matthias Lobelius, <i>Kruydtboeck, oft: Beschrijvinghe van allerleye ghewassen, kruyderen, hesteren ende gheboomten</i>
    Date of Origin/Publication 1581
    Place of Origin/Publication Antwerp
    Shelfmark Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, G 5411
    Persons Christoffel Plantijn (printer of host volume)

    Fragments were used in the book binding, probably as part of the spine lining.