Bernardino da Siena, Sermones

General Information
The fragments are written in a littera gothica cursiva currens.
Original Condition
No numbering visible.
The original manuscript was a quarto, as the water lines in the paper are horizontal.
The original width is estimated with the procedure of J.P. Gumbert’s statistical research on page dimensions of manuscripts. He has shown that the ratio of height to width generally lies between 0.60 and 0.80. The estimated minimum width is 103 mm.
Current Condition
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
The original manuscript was decorated with the following decorative elements: plain red initials, red paraphs, red colour stroking and some red underlining.
Host Volume
The fragments were used as upper and lower board in the binding of Lucanus written by Marcus Annaeus Lucanus published in 1502 in Venice. (Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, C 1349)