Noted ceremonial

Additional remarks by Roos in't Velt, Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken, 2023.
General Information
Northern gothica textualis formata.
Original Condition
The bifolium is very damaged, making it hard to determine the original size. The only visible ruling is a faint line on the right side of the right column on fol. [1]r.
Current Condition
Heavily damaged bifolium, vertically folded in half. Upper edge folded, right margin torn, left and lower margin cut. The parchment is dark to blackened, and the script is often illegible, both especially on fol. [1]v-[2]r.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Plain initials alternating in red and blue; line fillers alternating red and blue (fol. [2]v); rubrics in red.
Square notation on staves of four red lines, c-clefs.
- Content Item
- Text Language Latin
- Title Noted ceremonial
- Content Description
The fragment preserves the liturgy for the blessing of a baptismal font (fol. [1]r: 'tibi fons baptismatis parturit') as well as an Introit for the Mass on the baptism of Christ (fol. [1]v, Cantus Index ID g02767).
- Secondary Literature Cantus Index (