Ad. Phil. 2:5 - 4:2
General Information
Late praegothica; the irregular use of the e caudata (e.g., 1rb, l. 2: qu(a)e sua sunt querunt, l. 18 verum (a)etia(m) et mei) points to the final decades of the twelfth century. The presence of both the uncial and vertical d, the exclusive use of the ampersand, the st ligature, and the distinctive double-lobed g all confirm this assessment.
Original Condition
On the top of f. 1vb, in a fifteenth-century hand "Ad phil.".
Measurements via digital photogrammetry. Pixels/mm on photograph: 13.25. Line height: 11.3 mm.
Current Condition
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Alternating red and blue lombards. At the top of f. 1ra, a 2-line H is planned but not executed.
Content Item
- Text Language latin
- Title Biblia Sacra
Content Description
[1ra] Ad Phil. 2:5: [H]oc enim sentite in vobis... [vb] [4:12] esurire et habund-
- Glosses and Additions The Lombards do not indicate the Modern (thirteenth-century) capitals; a later hand (15c?) has marked in the margin the beginning of chapter 3 (f. 1rb) and of chapter 4 (f. 1vb)
On 1v can be read: Troys comptes du revuenu de l'hospital de Luitrye [...] par honn. Claude Chaznoz des annees 1607/1608/ et 1609. It is likely that the Bible belonged to the Benedictine Priory of Lutry.