Leaf of a missal


Montreal, McGill Library Rare Books and Special Collections, MS Medieval 0171

General Information

Title Leaf of a missal
Shelfmarks MS Medieval 0171
Material Parchment
Script, Hands

Textualis script in light-brown ink, red rubrics.

General Remarks

The library description places the pages as late-fifteenth century Italian, but it appears to be both earlier and from farther north.

Original Condition

Page Height at least 145 mm
Page Width at least 215 mm
Height of Written Area at least 120 mm
Width of Written Area at least 165 mm
Number of Columns 1
Number of Lines at least 13
Ruling Visible ruling with vertical rulings marking the edges of the writing area

Numbered in black ink at the top centre of the recto as "99".

Current Condition

Dimensions 145 x 215 mm
More about the Current Condition

The leaf was cut in half and and least its left margin was trimmed. This is the upper half of the leaf. 

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


two-line red initials

  • Musical Notation
