La louenge et beauté des dames

General Information
This identification of the title, printer, and date of this sheet has been confirmed through its comparison with scans of the unique copy of the c. 1489-1492 edition of La Louenge et beauté des dames, located at the Bibliothèque du Musée Condé.
Original Condition
Printed signatures
Ten leaves, signed a1-10
Current Condition
Comparison with the copy at the Bibliothèque du Musée Condé confirms that this sheet consists of leaves aiii, aiv, a[7], and a[8]. There is a gap of 96 lines in the text between aivv and a[7]r, i.e., two leaves.
Content Item
- Text Language French
- Title La louenge et beauté des dames.
Content Description
S.l., s.d., but identified in the Incunabula Short Title Catalogue as [Lyons: Printer of the Champion des Dames (Jean Du Pré (printer of Lyons)?), about 1489-1492].
Leaves aiii, aiv, a[7], a[8]r: La louenge des dames.
Leaf a[8]v: La louenge des dames (end); La beaute des femmes
From a board, subsequently removed.
Other materials from the board included:
- Three bifolia of Eberhardus Bethuniensis (Eberhard of Béthune) Graecismus with commentary [manuscript, Germany? c. 1436-1462]
- One unbound sheet (in quarto) of an unidentified grammar in Latin and French, including Formationes vocis activae et passivae, Forma compariationis regularis, and Forma seu gallici verborum
- One unbound sheet (in quarto) of Sermones dominicales (Hagenau: Heinrich Gran for Johann Rynman, 28 September 1499)
- One unbound sheet (in quarto) of an unidentified Postilla (perhaps in Type 4 of Lyons, Printer of Guido, “Casus longi”)
- One unbound sheet (in quarto) of Nanni, Giovanni. Berosus Babylonicus etc. (Paris: Marnef, c. 1512-1520)
ISTC No. il00288620
From the ISTC: C 3648; Cl IV 415; Pell Ms 7265 (7207); Delisle 1116 -
ISTC No. il00288620
From the ISTC: C 3648; Cl IV 415; Pell Ms 7265 (7207); Delisle 1116