Jacob van Maerlant, Spiegel historiael
Part I, Book I, Caps. 36 and 38
Antwerpen, Ruusbroecgenootschap, Neerl. 16

Roos in't Velt, Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken, 2023 (Born Digital)
General Information
Title Jacob van Maerlant, <i>Spiegel historiael</i>
Shelfmarks Antwerpen, Ruusbroecgenootschap, Neerl. 16
Former Shelfmarks 413
Material Parchment
Place of Origin Low Countries
Date of Origin first half of the 14th century
Script, Hands
1 hand; northern littera gothica textualis.
Original Condition
Page Height at least 265 mm
Page Width at least 190 mm
Height of Written Area at least 200 mm
Width of Written Area at least 140 mm
Number of Columns 2
Number of Lines at least 50
Catchwords on fol. [1]r: 'marcelica ende'
Current Condition
Extent 1 strip (part of a leaf)
Dimensions 55 x 133 mm
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Red paraphs (fol. [1]r).
- Content Item
- Text Language Middle Dutch
- Title Jacob van Maerlant, <i>Spiegel historiael</i>
- Content Description
Fragment from Part I, Book I.
- Fol. [1]rb: Cap. 36, v. 4-8.
- Fol. [1]rb: Cap. 36, v. 54-58.
- Fol. [1]va: Cap. 38, v. 14-18.
- Fol. [1]vb: Cap. 38, v. 63-67.
- Edition Jacob van Maerlant, Spieghel historiael. Deel 1. Partie I, ed. by Matthias de Vries and Eelco Verwijs (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1863)
Fragment discovered at Poperinge by Desideer Stracke. Part of the Stracke collection that was became part of M.A.C. Dosfel-Tysmans' estate after Stracke's death in 1970. Transferred to Ruusbroecgenootschap library by Lutgart Dosfel in 1987.
Used as quire guard for a quire that was presumable ca. 135 mm of height.
- https://doi.org/10.2143/SDL.35.1.2005577Kienhorst, Hans, and Herman Mulder, ‘Middelnederlandse fragmenten van D.A. Stracke in de bibliotheek van het Ruusbroecgenootschap te Antwerpen’, Spiegel der Letteren: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse literatuurgeschiedenis en voor literatuurwetenschap, 35.1 (1993), 67–74
- Biemans, Jos A. A. M., Onsen Speghele Ystoriale in Vlaemsche. Codicologisch onderzoek naar de overlevering van de Spiegel historiael van Jacob van Maerlant, Philip Utenbroeke en Lodewijk van Velthem, met een beschrijving van de handschriften en fragmenten, Schrift en Schriftdragers in de Nederlanden in de Middeleeuwen, 2, 2 vols (Leuven: Peeters, 1997)