Liber lectionum
General Information
"...single column with 22 lines to the page, written in a wonderful upright bold Caroline script of the utmost regularity and of fine calligraphy from the first to the last page, red rubrics, numerous initials in red and blue, some with very delicate scroll-work in the margins, three fine headings written alternately red and blue in the old style..."
"The regularity of the writing is indeed striking and reminds of the script in 6th century gospel-books. There are many forms of letters; special attention is drawn to the use round uncial d with with Caroline d, uncial m sometimes in the middle of a word, f frequently hanging down the line, the elegant form of h in lhs, long and round s at the end of words etc."
Original Condition
161 leaves folio (13 : 9 1/4 inches)
"The ms. is not quite complete, first and last quire are missing, further a leaf between fol. 8-9, fol. 35-36, fol. 36-37,150-51, 160-61 consequently 21 leaves at all are wanting."
"...wide margins and in good condition throughout, not quite complete, crimson morocco."
Current Condition
- Content Item
- Content Description
The ms. begins with the Gospel-Lesson for Wednesday of the 2nd week after Epiphany. Every week is provided with a pericope for Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, besides Sunday. The weeks after Whitsuntide have the gospels for Wednesday and Friday regularly, but often without the Second. The Sanctorale begins on fol. 129v, amongst thc Saints S. Sabinus (Jan. 17th), S. Gregory martyr. (Feb. 4th), two feasts for St. Benedict (March 21st and ]uly 11th), S. Antoninus mart, S. Archclaeus, St. Zenon etc. etc. No mention ls made of the feast of the Conception of the Virgin."
- Content Description
The attached pdf of the digitised catalogue sourced from the website Islamic Manuscripts hosted by Jan Just Witkam, Emeritus-Professor, Paleography and Codicology, Leiden University.