

Montreal, McGill Library Rare Books and Special Collections, MS Medieval 0021

General Information

Title Gradual
Material Parchment
Script, Hands

Mostly in Carolingian minuscule, with later emendations in a Gothic hand.

Original Condition

Page Height at least 290 mm
Page Width at least 220 mm
Number of Columns 1
Number of Lines at least 28

Current Condition

Dimensions 290 x 220 mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Rubrics in an orange-red, sometimes in capitals; simple red initials for introits (2 lines in height), red single-line initials for Alleluias, and black single-line initials for other chant openings.

  • Musical Notation

    St-Gall style unheightened neumes, occasionally extending into margins.

  • Other available descriptions