Königsberg fragment (Königsbergi Töredèk), latin sermons
General Information
Original Condition
Current Condition
- Content Item
Content Item
- Text Language Latin
- Title Sermones
Content Description
f. 1r: [Nonne] Omnis enim sunt administratorii Spiritus etc. Hebrei 1 [Heb 1, 14]. Duo notabili hae sunt admiranda divine pietatis clementia danda homini angelum ad custodiam scilicet dignitas humane nature...><... unde exemplum de illo, qui nolebat conficere annuente
f. 1v: Pro thema. Psalmus. – Deus meus illumina tenebras meas [Ps 17, 29] – Legite de beato Bernhardo, quod quando studere nolebat aperto libro demonem premittebat dicens: declinate a me maligni... >< ...quid enim restat nisi orando dicens: Dominus meus illumina tenebras meas.
– Ecce nos relinquimus omnia omnia et secuti sumus te... [Mt 19, 27]. – Verba proposita continentur, inventur [?] et covenientur ad aptandum ad honorem beati A apostoli... >< ...Secundo debemus relinquere peccatum, similiter propter Domino.
The leaf with text in Hungarian until 1863 was a flyleaf of a manuscript created at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries, presumably in northern Italy. It contained Dominican theological treatises, incl. a piece by Wincenty Bellovacensis, presenting the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the form of quotations from the works of the Church Fathers.
Here, in the 15th century, it was bound again, using two consecutive leaves presumably cut from the same manuscript. On the first of them (= stripes, now lost) there was the "Old Hungarian Annunciation" (4th quarter of the 13th century), on the verso: "Miracle of the Blessed Virgin Mary" (1180-1205), on the recto of the second (= flyleaf): continuation of the Miracle of the Virgin Mary (Königsberg fragment). After the secularization of Teutonic Prussia in 1525, the manuscript was transferred to the library in Tapiawa, and from there, in 1542, to the castle library in Königsberg.
Then, as a result of the evacuation of the most valuable collections of the library and the change of state borders after the second world war, the evacuated books (among them Ms 1194a) found themselves in the territory of the Polish state. In July 1946, by the decision of the Ministry of Education, they were transferred to the University Library in Toruń. The stripes are currently considered lost.
Ms 1194 (until 1863 the host volume) is currently considered lost.
Host Volume
Katalog rękopisów średniowiecznych Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Toruniu, ed. M. Czyżak in cooperation with Monika Jakubek-Raczkowska, Arkadiusz Wagner, Toruń 2016, p. 102-105, il.
L. Holler, Legkorábbi szövegemlékeink keletkezési idejéről és az Ómagyar Mária-siralom kyniuhhad kifejezésének új értelmezéséről (Chronology of the earliest Hungarian text records and the explanation of the expression kyniuhhad occurring in the Old Hungarian Lament of the Virgin Mary), „Erdélyi Múzeum” (Transylvanian Museum), nr 3, 2015, p. 117–134.
http://eda.eme.ro/bitstream/handle/10598/29573/EME_EM_2015-3_009_HollerLaszlo_LegkorabbiSzovegemlekeinkKeletkezesiIdejerol.pdf?sequence=1 -
L. Holler, „Ki miatt ördögök szörnyülének és csodálkodván úgy szólának”. Kronológia és szövegrekonstrukció: a 120 éve felfedezett Königsbergi Szalagok alapkérdéseiről (Chronology and textual reconstruction: on the fundamental matters of the Königsberg Ribands, discovered 120 years ago), „Nyelvtudományi Közlemények”, 109, 2013, p. 267-336.